Sunday, December 23, 2007

Yest went to pray my ancestor with mum & aunts... while waiting for our ancestors to "eat", we went to nurse our stomache too.

Nice muffin reco by Micky

My dragon ball cousin came very last min

Taken at Kusu island last month

it's just so tiring preparing for the BKK trip, did alot of research on forum in order not to
-waste any time there, must plan our itinery well etc, from where must go where, in order to save time & $
-waste too much $, so must know where to shop for cheap things
but it's an enjoyable thing to do the research coz i will feel i will have more knowledge, tats how my 1st BKK trip 2 years ago went...
muz meet up with Lin to consolidate our itinery one day... gosh...

yest i was at Bugis after the praying session & i really got the urge to shop at BKK right away lor... i msg Lin told her i feel like going now lor... i wana buy the bucket bag... hopefully can find it there... but see so many forum never put the bag pic leh...duno got or not? haiz...

anticipating my new camera... when can i get it?

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