Monday, December 31, 2007

1 more hr and we will be welcoming year 2008
Time just pass by so fast that i hardly stop and look back what i have did for the year.
This year doesn't seem too good for me, been sick alot of times =( so i hope next year my health will be back to the fullest.
Finally a job that i have work more than 6 mths liao, haha, previously the few jobs all not more thn 6 mths.
Well.. i really can't think of any very big matters that happen this year...oh ya... i have stopped my Thyroid medicine, that's a good news =) hoping it won't never ever come back again.

*Well...there's something i must rant about if not i'm going crazy
will that irritating fella stop messaging me... AIYO... my gesture already so obvious already & u still can't get it. Come on... stop wasting yrs & mine time.
A wrong move to meet up... >____<

Dear Friends
Stay healthy and merry
Enjoy to the fullest and Earn BiG bucks

My last post in 2007

Sayonara 2007, Sayonara 25岁

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