Saturday, August 04, 2007

不能说的秘密 Secret
was a slow pace romance show
Love jay in this movie, so jay lor coz story & director is by him, he's so cut inside. he's not good looking but there's an x-factor in him makes you just can't take your eyes off him. The way he plays the piano, dance is amazing. The way he potray himself inside this movie, is so him unlike in initial D, acted so cool, even though he also act cool in this movie but you can see its so like him, alittle mischief. The ending was abit blur and doesn't really makes sense but who cares...hehe

watch 10pm at cine yest wif Bud, then Bud tot of taking the cab so when we got out, alot of people waiting for cab lor... so we walk all the way to Paragon taxi stand, got 8 group in front of us lor.. while waiting there for around 30 mins, i just gave up, almost 10 min then got 1 cab lor, we both so freaking tired lor.. then i cannot tahan i told lin we should go other place & wait for cab, so we got up & walk to coffee bean and i grab a cup of pure chocolate, then while wanting to walk to lucky plaza, we saw a cab outside paragon lor so Bud faster run and we manage to catch his attention and off we go... makes us so stupid waiting at the taxi stand lor.. then when we got in the cab we passby the taxi-stand and saw the 1st in q was the uncle in front of us... Bud say izit bcoz we there then cab dun wana go in, when we leave suddenly got cab le...we so sway meh??? angry lor... i so freaking tired leh....
Going out with mum later, it's been very long since we both go out lor...but i'm still freaking tired...

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