Monday, August 13, 2007

It's so boring at work today, Bud went holiday, usually we will "talk" in email when we are at work, very funny thing is almost everyday lor... i also duno why we everyday got things to talk one leh...haha. This whole week will be so xian at work... time passes damn slow lor... Bud... I MISS U... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
A blue monday to start with, so after work came back & make myself happy. Switch on my pc & dl lots of Shinhwa videos...haha... never fails to make me laugh always... esp my 2 favourite members
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Eric & Hyesung - Chubby's concert in Korea on 11/8/07, [Chubby kiss Eric at the concert... Woohoo... even though they always act like "water & oil relationship", but i knew they are actually quite close, can see their loves in alot of video clips, Eric will always be the one to go & find Chubby to play.]
How i wish i was there too... Hold a concert here in SG for goodness sake... I miss Shinhwa's concert 1 year ago...Fond memories...
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