Thursday, August 30, 2007

Saturday, August 25, 2007

met Lily(my colleague for lunch today at CHIJMES jap restaurant, couldn't remember the restaurant name, she used to work there, her husband & nephew works there. She bought her 2 kids along
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Gisele & Glenn
Lily had a hard time having lunch with the 2 of them around...
I was so damn full after lunch lor...
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1st time eat this... hm... not used to it..haha

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Fish head?? i never order this...

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this is my order... Takae Bento... the cod fish & swordfish is nice man...

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i duno the name of the dish but theres "pi dan" & toufu in it...

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Pamelo ice-cream

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so cute...

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Gisele dun let me hug her... she very dao wan dun let stranger hug her wan...

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Lily with Glenn

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Me with Glenn

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had a hard time asking him to take pic with me >____< but i love it when we bid goodbye, he would give me a hug & kiss... so cute de lor

After that meet my family go pray grandpa... went chinatown & bugis... we had yuan yang steamboat... i'm damn full de lor... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
little devil is growing...

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by day...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

AW... kopi prince epi 16 so damn cute & so god... gong yoo is so full of charisma.
Last epi next week... so sad... gona have kopi addiction le...

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This drama got alot of kissing scene lor..haha

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

juz came back from reviewing my blood test...
my throid is in normal range...hehe. though i stop my med for 4 mths already... tot would get scolding but the doc maybe new bird lor coz quite young just ask who ask you to stop, i replied, "i stop myself" haha... anyway i can stop taking my med approve by doc le...YEAH... jus need to go back for blood test 3 mths later...
so sleepy now...
waiting for someone in tudou to upload my kopi prince epi 15... such a long wait...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

SHIN HYE SUNG-MV- 第一個人 - 上(中字 CHI SUB ) 신혜성-첫사람

My chubby's 1st on screen jealous. I love his reactions when the gal ask him to go hospital. hehe.

This is the kiss... MUACKS...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Remember Yoo 2007 - I Love You by Gong Yoo

Aw...Gong Yoo is so sweet in kopi prince. its a very nice drama. His singing is nice but still can't compare to chubby, hehe.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's so boring at work today, Bud went holiday, usually we will "talk" in email when we are at work, very funny thing is almost everyday lor... i also duno why we everyday got things to talk one leh...haha. This whole week will be so xian at work... time passes damn slow lor... Bud... I MISS U... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
A blue monday to start with, so after work came back & make myself happy. Switch on my pc & dl lots of Shinhwa videos...haha... never fails to make me laugh always... esp my 2 favourite members
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Eric & Hyesung - Chubby's concert in Korea on 11/8/07, [Chubby kiss Eric at the concert... Woohoo... even though they always act like "water & oil relationship", but i knew they are actually quite close, can see their loves in alot of video clips, Eric will always be the one to go & find Chubby to play.]
How i wish i was there too... Hold a concert here in SG for goodness sake... I miss Shinhwa's concert 1 year ago...Fond memories...
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Saturday, August 11, 2007

i can't wait to get a copy of hyesung's new album - THE BEGINNING, NEW DAYS
the songs are soooo nice...wondering when i can get a copy +____+

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I'm scared... my fever have been on & off these few days, went to work today even i still not recover... then went to see doc again just now, still slight fever...doc say by fri morning still fever gota run blood test liao... suspect dengue... walau..scary de lor... some more i got kena bite ard 2 weeks ago leh... +_____+

Monday, August 06, 2007

I can feel my body breaking into pieces...
Fever since yesterday, still went to work this morning but in the end really cannot make it, so went company doc with 1 of my colleague who is also down with fever on Sun, waited 1 hr at the clinic...damn tired... didn't know so jialat until i reach home change to home clothes, i can feel my body aching like hell... wake up at 4.30pm... feeling giddy and restless...

Sunday, August 05, 2007

today i can't log into the internet this afternoon, tot my pc spoil le...scary... luckily now ok le... =) Invisible target is nice nice...makes me cry abit in the end...coz someone died on the movie...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Finally satisfy my korean food craving today, bought mum to eat my favourite korean food, she not used to the food..haha, i ordered kimchi fried rice and steam fish for mum, spicy rice cake for side and we both so damn full lor...
Went Bugis shop and i bought 2 jeans, 1 top, 1 ring & a jap drama...haha... happily shopping man...
Oh... i finally saw my motivation today... man.. i was so happy lor.. but i saw him shock... we took the same bus & train..hehe... it sure was good to be able to see him =)
不能说的秘密 Secret
was a slow pace romance show
Love jay in this movie, so jay lor coz story & director is by him, he's so cut inside. he's not good looking but there's an x-factor in him makes you just can't take your eyes off him. The way he plays the piano, dance is amazing. The way he potray himself inside this movie, is so him unlike in initial D, acted so cool, even though he also act cool in this movie but you can see its so like him, alittle mischief. The ending was abit blur and doesn't really makes sense but who cares...hehe

watch 10pm at cine yest wif Bud, then Bud tot of taking the cab so when we got out, alot of people waiting for cab lor... so we walk all the way to Paragon taxi stand, got 8 group in front of us lor.. while waiting there for around 30 mins, i just gave up, almost 10 min then got 1 cab lor, we both so freaking tired lor.. then i cannot tahan i told lin we should go other place & wait for cab, so we got up & walk to coffee bean and i grab a cup of pure chocolate, then while wanting to walk to lucky plaza, we saw a cab outside paragon lor so Bud faster run and we manage to catch his attention and off we go... makes us so stupid waiting at the taxi stand lor.. then when we got in the cab we passby the taxi-stand and saw the 1st in q was the uncle in front of us... Bud say izit bcoz we there then cab dun wana go in, when we leave suddenly got cab le...we so sway meh??? angry lor... i so freaking tired leh....
Going out with mum later, it's been very long since we both go out lor...but i'm still freaking tired...

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Have been smelling the paint at my office the whole day, so making people feel giddy de lor... when i reached home today, the moment i open the door, i smell paint odour again...tot my nose playing with me, in the end, my dad had painted the pipes in the toilet... gosh... all these happen today. coincidence lor..

i'm loving kopi prince..haha.. juz finish watching epi 10 in tudou... 6 more epi to go... so pei fu the person dl into tudou...some more so updated... yest epi 10 in korea & today i got it in tudou...with happy...

Criss angel is so charming & cool...hahaha, i love his magic...

Finally...really finally...yest i went for my blood test... should go back in apr but i kept dragging till yest. I'm not a good patient. =P