Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today is Linette's(my superior) last day...guess i will miss her voice very much...hehe...she wore the earing we gave to her... nice leh...she received flower nice but the flowers came with a vase... i wonder how she bring home coz the vase quite big.. i wana get flowers on my birthday too, any kind soul wana send me flowers??? i will be glad to give u my office address... (^0^)
well.. i really wish to get out of this dept boss sucks... i really don't like her lor...there will be major changes in our dept xian...

Yeah.. Weijie is celebrating his 21st birthday next mth, chalet at Aloha Loyang... yeah...long time nvr go chalet le, but loyang so xian lor...well it's my birthday next wk but i'm not at all anticipating, guess age really catch up with me that i don't really wana celebrate my birthday already... my first bd present already... Thank you, u know who u r...

Flu virus is spreading dangerously in my office, take good care everyone...

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