Wednesday, April 18, 2007

~~~Happy Day~~~ Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

had eye contact with my motivation at bus stop today...woohoo... hahaha... just makes my day man... he was sitting at the front part of the bus stop, i was standing at the back of the bus stp, duno why he suddenly turn to my direction & look, so i juz pretend see other places, then i felt he kept looking at my direction so i look at him...& oh boy... we made eye contact for few sec & i really too paisei so i juz turn away first, he was still looking for awhile and thn he turned away... OH MY... i guess i must have blushed on the spot...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, but izit bcoz he didn't wear specs so he kept looking??? but why at my direction which is at the back??? AIYA... forgot to see my back got other gals or not....HUMP.... whatever... i will just assume he look at ME......hehe... Thanks Motivation~~ a great birthday present...
Oh... i did something psycho, i took his pic...weheheehe...but back view & abit far....can't expect much lor coz bus stop so many people...

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