Saturday, December 23, 2006

Well...this is a late post... anyway my pc at home already retire le, so now waiting for my new pc to to wait till next mth... sucks... and of coz hell period is over.... i'm so tired already...this week have been waking up at 6+am, knocking off work around 8pm... so damn shag....but thanks to my wonderful colleagues who help to pull me through this 1 week of hell... =) Fianlly can have a good rest for this weekend...but what the hell... i have develop rashes since thur...and fri after work finally went to see doc... so damn itchy lor... not those small tiny rashes those look like a large bump... well they call it "hong mok" something like that... duno izit office too dusty or did i ate something wrong... what the hell... session time...

Clara & Slyvester Wedding

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After Wedding....

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We meet Amar... our long lost friend...

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My Office...

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My plain...keke.. well... practically documents will spread all over my table..can't afford to place too many things...

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My Christmas tree...

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Santa working in my office...

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Christmas gifts from office...

At Marybrown...

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