Yeah... It's PH today...hohoho... happily slept til 11+, anyway consider i woke up early liao, WHY? coz i slept ard 4am... i missed the korean drama that was aired on KBS ch at 9pm so waited for the repea at 3am... yest after i woke up, i got this strong feeling i dun wana go staight home after work so called Lin ask her to go out, she actually also got intention to ask us out too..haha.. Janice msg me ask me got plans today or not...keke...all holiday mood xia... anyway Lin, Janice, Liling (Janice's friend) & me went for movie... we caught The Prestige at The Cathay, begining of the show, Lin & me kept discussing the plot...haha..very blur in front, anyway u will only find the answer near to the ending, it's actually quite a nice show u will not expect the ending... when i reached home & bath, i was still thinking of the show & i finally understand why Hugh Jackman hire blind man to work for him...alright, this show needs to work your brain...haha...Janice ask me a very good question...who is the bad guy? Alright...I don't know the answer.. coz in some other show it's obvious who is the bad or good guy, but this show i really don't know, i was just thinking maybe they just want to fight against each another to see who is more clever,'s my opinion...i duno yr thinking, anyone want to share if u have watch this show?
the other day i was watching magic finally revealed on scv... and my mind was thinking about David that guy trying to crush David Blaine by revealing the secrets??? haha..after i watch the truth being revealed, i felt stupid lor... haha...
Last fri caught The Death Note, not bad too... well.. from mag critics, "Kira" aka as "Light", failed to potray the role, well maybe bcoz i never read the comics version so i find it quite ok...can't wait for the part 2... "L" was a very interesting character, the guy acted very well... i told Janice he could act a ghost show with that makeup...haha..naughty me.. "Luke" is a very kawaii character, love the way he react when "Light" told him no apples for him coz he loves apple alot...the expression crack me up, he look scary & his waist is damn tiny but his body is so long, so cute...
Lin was complaining how i wrote my prvious post coz she said that's way too long & no paragraph, like out of breadth like that, haha.. all right, will try to improve...can?

"Light" with "Luke"

"L" - an interesting character
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