Friday, October 06, 2006

Seriously... I'm so drained out today...have been absorbing alot of new things today... maybe haven't been using my brain to think of alot of things recently so i'm so drained out...esp in banking alot of terms lah, short form lah, procedures lah... so tired...(+_+) I'm so sleepy now... I recently just change my scv box to the new digital box, just for the sake of the new free korea channel, duno will regret changing to the new box or not coz very the ma fan, pro & con lah... just have to accept the fact that i have already changed it. Anyway the korea channel programe on sunday seems interesting leh, keke... looking forward to sun, most probably will stick to the channel whole day...hehe, got to stop for now, my eyes so tired till i kept typing the wrong thing~~~AAAAAAAHHHH

P/S: Lin, my friendster ac where got alot of idol ac, a few only ma... so what i'm 24, can't i like idols =P lol

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