WOW...i haven't been blogging for some lazy of me...busy busy for this week... have been working slightly late this week... alot of thing for me to learn & i'm slow +___+ it's a stresful week for me & another new colleague, my colleagues have been saying i'm so quiet this week, of coz lah, got tons of new things to learn, see & do... wat u listen & do is totally diff lor...once hands on, u will find when u do a thing, there's alot of minor steps in it...anyway when there's work, u will find time pass damn fast lor...which i quite like...hehe... finally this weekend i spent these 2 days rot at's been ages since i rot at home on weekend... ever since i started my new work, i have always been goin out on sat/sun, anyway it's already over a mth i'm in this company...time flies man...haha...
well... stop work topic...let me rewind my memories how i spent my previous weekend... oh ya, my last post i did talk about Micky's birthday celebration...Well... for those who don't know who Micky is? Hm... my cousin lah... we sometimes call him Mickey Mouse...anyway his Micky is w/o the E. I call his girlfriend Minnie Mouse... hehehe...well last sat schedule was hectic...anyway i went back to call-center work from 10am to 2pm then took a bus to Mic's house, online do my uploading of photos coz my stupid pc can't upload my photo...and surf youtube looking for Shinhwa stuff in SG, hehe Andy was so cute at the airport, he nearly trip & fell, so ke ai... surf till Ah Bi want to play his online game, so i went to have a nap...really very shack coz on fri nite i slept very late, 4.30am(sat morning) & i woke up at 8am to work...i nap for ard half an hr, couldn't really sleep coz Mic, Minnie & Meimei was watching tv & laughing loud... anyway had an arguement with Mum & she didn't join us for dinner... Mic's dad drove us to dinner, pick up Aunt Pauline, Weijie & Junjie on the way, and head to Marina Square for Yuki Yuki... 1st time eating there... not bad lah. After dinner we went to collect Mic's cake at Swenson and was deciding where to go cut the cake , Mic wanted somewhere with beach so we decided to go East Coast... the funny thing when we go collect the cake, the people told us that they don't provide knife, Minnie & me was like +_________+ HUH??? told my aunt and we decide to go supermarket buy knife, serviettes & drinks... in the end the knife was ex so my Aunt didn't buy knife, instead we buy fork... so off we go to East Coast... it's nice to be at the beach at night... lucky we do have cardboard with us, coz my uncle drove lorry and we sat at the back with those cardboard... so we laid at the grass & begin our celebration... it was fun...oh yah...the pic of the cake was baby Mickey Mouse, which Micky choose himself, we took pic & sang...finally it's time to attack the cake... why i say attack? coz w/o the knife we all use fork to eat... 1st time use fork to eat a whole cake...we drank & talk for ard 1 hr + i think, well...when i'm with them i don't really care the timing... it's like if the end of the world is right at the moment i would die smiling bcoz i'm with my love ones...after celebration, Me & my cousins went to Orchard for KTV session... we reached there is ard 11pm liao, so sing till 3am... i was really shack lo...then when there's no more my song i juz lay flat & sleep, coz my corner no one sit, so i juz lay flat & nap... haha... too tired bian... reached home 3+ & went to buy my favourite Ah Nee's noodle...hehe... continue my drama & while watching halfway i doze off...when i wake up the drama have already finished, so quickly switch off & get back to my dreamland... woke up ard 3pm, it's been a while since i woke up so late...anyway i enjoyed myself very much... though it's abit late...
Mic~~~ hope you have had a memorable 21st bithday celebration with us...^0^ post is damn long today...hehe... shall stop here... once i'm done with Mic bithday pic will post it up...
~~~Always well prepare yourself, the once in a lifetime chance doesn't make any reservation.~~~