Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well...someone has been complaining i haven been updating my blog...well since i started working here, alot of work things cant be updated here & i admit i'm being lazy though..hehe.. anyway my new update would be my last day of work is on 27 mar, made a really long decision before tendering and i guess is the best way though... will be starting new job on 1st Apr, friends...wish me all the best... & Spidey, Thanks for your help...^0^
have yr sen the video clip below? thats my new Kdrama obession Goong aka Princess Hours, story abt 2 Prince & a normal gal, the gal married to 1 of the Prince by the agreement made freom their grandparents, its like comedy & romance... which i simply adore this type of full house... their story background involves palace & their clothes & bears look amazing...see this pic

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alot of bears images will appear in this drama, and the bear wears exactly the same clothings & the same pose as the actors/actresses...its just so cute... hopefully this show will be here soon...guess theres still few episode in korea so i'll just have to wait...
Oh yah... few wks ago just attend Sena & Jon's wedding, 2 wedding crash in the same day... Congrats to both sides... a pity i didn't stay long for Sena's wedding coz i gotta rush to Jon's Wedding, so rush till i didn't get to eat much... then come home & buy noodles from coffee shop...haiz...
thats all for today...take care...tata

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