Love is so very special
Yet can make you feel so lost
It can arrive just like the springtime
And melt away like morning frost
You must find ways to nurture
Always grow your love with care
Never ever take for granted
The love that you both share
Mistakes are bound to happen
You may hurt each other's heart
Yet don't give up to easily
It will tear your love apart
Love resembles a bright flame
That lights a dark starry night
Never ever let this flame burn down
Rekindle with all your might
Take a moment every day
Look deep into each other's eyes
Never hesitate to show affection
Small gestures will keep a love alive
Talk openly about your feelings
Take time to show that you care
Treasure each and every moment
Because to find true love is rare
Thursday, July 28, 2005
A bell is not a bell
until someone rings it,
a song is not a song
until someone sings it.
Love wasn't put
in the heart to stay,
for love isn't love
'til you give it away.
Love is something you can't describe
like the look of a rose,
the smell of the rain,
or the feeling of forever.
The best things in life can never be kept;
They must be given away.
A Smile, a Kiss, and Love
Love is when you look into someone's eyes
and see their heart.
until someone rings it,
a song is not a song
until someone sings it.
Love wasn't put
in the heart to stay,
for love isn't love
'til you give it away.
Love is something you can't describe
like the look of a rose,
the smell of the rain,
or the feeling of forever.
The best things in life can never be kept;
They must be given away.
A Smile, a Kiss, and Love
Love is when you look into someone's eyes
and see their heart.
Monday, July 25, 2005
YEAH ^______^
A smile is the sun that drives away
the winter from your face.
A smile is the sun that drives away
the winter from your face.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
So restless today. Not enough sleep yesterday, managed to close my eyes but my mind is not resting at all, must be thinking of something but what exactly is it on my mind leh??? Izit something going to happen?? hopefully not anything bad huh. Work full shift today so damn sleepy.
Yeah.. looking forward to Sat, going to meet Xuan & Hua, new pyjamas...hehe..oh..and the korean drama April Kiss, seems nice huh...
Damn it..when is my E R I C show going to be out? waited so long liao =( Dread it... Super Rookie....where are you...
Dear Land
Whatever your decision is, you know I will always be behind you supporting, though sad to see you leave but at the same time happy for you that you are pursuing your dream. Like what I said, not many people have found their dreams nor able to chase after their dreams, I'm glad you have found yours and be able to have a chance to dream, so you go gal. You will always have my support. I really wish you could be happy oh, like you & I always said, Life is short, be happy. Love you gal. ^_____^
From Yang~
For being there when I need you and standing beside me...
For listening without judging, and knowing without asking...
For keeping even the tinest secrets safe...
For making me laugh, encouraging my dreams, and loving me as I am...
and most of all,
for being you...
I Thank You,
my wonderful
supportive friend!!!
Yeah.. looking forward to Sat, going to meet Xuan & Hua, new pyjamas...hehe..oh..and the korean drama April Kiss, seems nice huh...
Damn it..when is my E R I C show going to be out? waited so long liao =( Dread it... Super Rookie....where are you...
Dear Land
Whatever your decision is, you know I will always be behind you supporting, though sad to see you leave but at the same time happy for you that you are pursuing your dream. Like what I said, not many people have found their dreams nor able to chase after their dreams, I'm glad you have found yours and be able to have a chance to dream, so you go gal. You will always have my support. I really wish you could be happy oh, like you & I always said, Life is short, be happy. Love you gal. ^_____^
From Yang~
For being there when I need you and standing beside me...
For listening without judging, and knowing without asking...
For keeping even the tinest secrets safe...
For making me laugh, encouraging my dreams, and loving me as I am...
and most of all,
for being you...
I Thank You,
my wonderful
supportive friend!!!
Monday, July 18, 2005
The Best thing about missing a person...
Have u ever missed someone and felt
because u think tat he/she doesn't miss
Missing someone is a terrible but at the
same time,
sweet feeling.
U will be sitting around wondering if u
anything to him/her.
Thinking if he/she ever cares about u.
Rushing to the phone once it rings
hoping that it's
Looking out of the window hoping that
he/she will
surprise u by appearing downstairs.
Sitting in front of the television but
thinking of
missing the final episode of your
favourite show.
Laying on your bed, thinking of the last
time u wen
out together.
Thinking of how nice it will be to sit
under the stars
again, talking about everything, your
plans, future.
Logging on to the internet hoping to
When u realise that he/she isn't online
and did not
return your page, u will start worrying if
he/she is
Missing someone is a way of growing
up i
It exposes u to loneliness.
It teaches u how to cope with being
lonely and let u
know that there is actually a feeling
known as
Sometimes it feels good to miss
U know that u really care and u indulge
in the
feeling of loving/caring for him/her.
But missing someone and not knowing if
he/she is
feeling the same is terrible.
U feel as if u are being left alone.
So if u miss someone, tell him/her and
let them
At the same time, ask if they miss u.
Don't let the feeling of missing someone
jealousy or paranoid.
If u are the one being missed and u
it, let the
other party know.
if u miss him/her too, tell them.
Don't let them wait.
because u think tat he/she doesn't miss
Missing someone is a terrible but at the
same time,
sweet feeling.
U will be sitting around wondering if u
anything to him/her.
Thinking if he/she ever cares about u.
Rushing to the phone once it rings
hoping that it's
Looking out of the window hoping that
he/she will
surprise u by appearing downstairs.
Sitting in front of the television but
thinking of
missing the final episode of your
favourite show.
Laying on your bed, thinking of the last
time u wen
out together.
Thinking of how nice it will be to sit
under the stars
again, talking about everything, your
plans, future.
Logging on to the internet hoping to
When u realise that he/she isn't online
and did not
return your page, u will start worrying if
he/she is
Missing someone is a way of growing
up i
It exposes u to loneliness.
It teaches u how to cope with being
lonely and let u
know that there is actually a feeling
known as
Sometimes it feels good to miss
U know that u really care and u indulge
in the
feeling of loving/caring for him/her.
But missing someone and not knowing if
he/she is
feeling the same is terrible.
U feel as if u are being left alone.
So if u miss someone, tell him/her and
let them
At the same time, ask if they miss u.
Don't let the feeling of missing someone
jealousy or paranoid.
If u are the one being missed and u
it, let the
other party know.
if u miss him/her too, tell them.
Don't let them wait.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Everyday sure got things tend to happen wan leh, then now everyday so xian to go work.
I have already receieved acknowledgement receipt from Air Force, hopefully they will call me up for an interview real soon. I wana find job before end of this month. I DON"T CARE...
Oh finally saw ShinHwa concert liao. WOW.. 1st time see them in concert and they were very power leh, now kind of like HyeSung leh, he's kind of cute ^0^ and he recently came out his solo album then I manage to listen to 1 of his new song and it's so nice, love song, so romantic...keke..gosh.. cannot.. [flies back to Eric]


I have already receieved acknowledgement receipt from Air Force, hopefully they will call me up for an interview real soon. I wana find job before end of this month. I DON"T CARE...
Oh finally saw ShinHwa concert liao. WOW.. 1st time see them in concert and they were very power leh, now kind of like HyeSung leh, he's kind of cute ^0^ and he recently came out his solo album then I manage to listen to 1 of his new song and it's so nice, love song, so romantic...keke..gosh.. cannot.. [flies back to Eric]
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Life is full of choices, I'm in the midst of it again.
Oh gosh... secrets to be kept from loved ones feel so terrible, but I have to keep my promise if not sure going to be war. Hopefully all goes well.
Should I or should I not? It's going to be a heavy respondsibility for sure. I just hope I've got the time machine to go to the future and maybe then I will know what to do. (wishful thinking lah)
There's always a reason for things to happen.
Oh gosh... secrets to be kept from loved ones feel so terrible, but I have to keep my promise if not sure going to be war. Hopefully all goes well.
Should I or should I not? It's going to be a heavy respondsibility for sure. I just hope I've got the time machine to go to the future and maybe then I will know what to do. (wishful thinking lah)
There's always a reason for things to happen.
Monday, July 11, 2005
For time... Do you treasure the one beside you?
Daniel and Jasmine are
sitting alone in
the park
one night....
Daniel: I guess we are the left overs in
this world
Jasmine: I think so... All of my friends
boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons
left in
this world without any special person in
our lives
Daniel: Yup I don't know what to do
Jasmine: I know! We'll play a game
Daniel: What game?
Jasmine: i'll be your girl friend for 30
days and you
will be my boy friend
Daniel: That's a great plan in fact i don't
to do for the following weeks...
DAY 1:
They watch their first movie and they
both touched
in a romantic film
DAY 4:
They went to the beach and have a
and Jasmine have their quality time
DAY 12:
Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and
they ride on
a Horror House....Jasmine was scared and
touched Daniel's hand but she touched
else's hand and they both laughed...
DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road
and they
asked for their future advice and the
fortune teller
said: "My darling, Please don't waste the
time of
your life... SPend the rest of your time
happily" Then tears flow out from the
teller's eyes
DAY 20:
Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill
and they
saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled
DAY 28:
They sat on the bus and because of a
bumby road
Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by
DAY 29:
Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where
they first
decided to play this game...
Daniel: I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want
drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down
the road
Jasmine: Apple Juice that's all
Daniel: Wait for me....
20mins later... a stranger approached
Stranger: Are you a friend of Daniel?
Jasmine: Why yes? What happened?
Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran
and he is critical in the hospital
The doctor went out of the emergency
room and
handed out an apple juice and a letter
Doctor: We found this in daniel's pocket
Jasmine reads the letter and it says:
Jasmine, This past few days, i realized
you are a
really cute girl and i am really falling for
cherish smile your everything when we
played this
game..... Before this game would end...I
you to be my girl friend for the rest of my
life.... I
love you Jasmine....
Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:
"Daniel ! i don't want you to die... I love
you...Remember that night when we saw
a meteor,
I mumbled something... I mumbled that I
wish we
would be together forever and never end
Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love
you! You
cannot do this to me!"
Then the clock strikes 12
Daniel's heart stop pumping
sitting alone in
the park
one night....
Daniel: I guess we are the left overs in
this world
Jasmine: I think so... All of my friends
boyfriends and we are only the 2 persons
left in
this world without any special person in
our lives
Daniel: Yup I don't know what to do
Jasmine: I know! We'll play a game
Daniel: What game?
Jasmine: i'll be your girl friend for 30
days and you
will be my boy friend
Daniel: That's a great plan in fact i don't
to do for the following weeks...
DAY 1:
They watch their first movie and they
both touched
in a romantic film
DAY 4:
They went to the beach and have a
and Jasmine have their quality time
DAY 12:
Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and
they ride on
a Horror House....Jasmine was scared and
touched Daniel's hand but she touched
else's hand and they both laughed...
DAY 15:
They saw a fortune teller down the road
and they
asked for their future advice and the
fortune teller
said: "My darling, Please don't waste the
time of
your life... SPend the rest of your time
happily" Then tears flow out from the
teller's eyes
DAY 20:
Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill
and they
saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled
DAY 28:
They sat on the bus and because of a
bumby road
Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by
DAY 29:
Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where
they first
decided to play this game...
Daniel: I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want
drinks? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down
the road
Jasmine: Apple Juice that's all
Daniel: Wait for me....
20mins later... a stranger approached
Stranger: Are you a friend of Daniel?
Jasmine: Why yes? What happened?
Stranger: A reckless drunken driver ran
and he is critical in the hospital
The doctor went out of the emergency
room and
handed out an apple juice and a letter
Doctor: We found this in daniel's pocket
Jasmine reads the letter and it says:
Jasmine, This past few days, i realized
you are a
really cute girl and i am really falling for
cherish smile your everything when we
played this
game..... Before this game would end...I
you to be my girl friend for the rest of my
life.... I
love you Jasmine....
Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:
"Daniel ! i don't want you to die... I love
you...Remember that night when we saw
a meteor,
I mumbled something... I mumbled that I
wish we
would be together forever and never end
Please don't leave me Daniel.... I love
you! You
cannot do this to me!"
Then the clock strikes 12
Daniel's heart stop pumping
Friday, July 08, 2005
You are a FRIEND of Mine
You are beautiful
my friend.
You know and accept me as I am - all of me,
and I love you for that.
You have made me happy to be, and
I love life more because of you.
I can be myself with you and am
very happy in knowing that we experience much
of the same sensitivity to the world around us.
You always express how you feel to me,
and so, I'm never afraid to do the same.
The meaning of our friendship
is found in the joy of celebrating it.
You will forever be part of me now
for our souls have
reached out and gently touched one another.
I will always love you,
throughout my life,
for you are
a friend of mine.
my friend.
You know and accept me as I am - all of me,
and I love you for that.
You have made me happy to be, and
I love life more because of you.
I can be myself with you and am
very happy in knowing that we experience much
of the same sensitivity to the world around us.
You always express how you feel to me,
and so, I'm never afraid to do the same.
The meaning of our friendship
is found in the joy of celebrating it.
You will forever be part of me now
for our souls have
reached out and gently touched one another.
I will always love you,
throughout my life,
for you are
a friend of mine.
Finally submitted the application form for Air force & Army. Xuan pass the application form to me ages ago but today then i manage to post the application. Hopefully all goes well, I wana get in for the Air force leh. hehe. hope they will get back to me real soon.
Yesterday Uncle Ben email me & sent me a link to see his photo album of his birthday pic & his travelling pic, his birthday cake is so cute..^0^ and his Rome & Angkor Wat the pic is so nice.
Yesterday Uncle Ben email me & sent me a link to see his photo album of his birthday pic & his travelling pic, his birthday cake is so cute..^0^ and his Rome & Angkor Wat the pic is so nice.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
What a day!
AH... today wake up damn freaking early again, MSP meeting again. what the F@*k. super tired. slept @ 4am, wake up at 7.45am. reallt had enough of that stupid hongkie, hate her to the core xia, really got to buck up find job leh, i want to get out of this hell. Anyway this morning manage to see the reds guy @ NAC so still not bad. haha. had eye contact with him, thanks to Fanice who spot him sitting on the chair doing his hair then ask me to look inside then he look up and we had eye contact but i so paisei leh...haha.
Yesterday went to have a haircut, very long never go cut hair liao since new year.
GOSH... i guess i overspent my $ again, got to stop buying things liao. Haiz..
Feel like going holiday...miss Hong Kong, Ah Hua tmr going HK shopping, so envoius, ask her to buy for me pyjamas from ladies street. haha. told her i so envious she going HK then she also very cute, say she can pack me inside her luggage, so cute of her.
AH.. when is my ERIC oppa drama coming out??? I wanna watch so badly. Recently feel like buying RAIN cd leh, i love the song It's raining that song, SEXY GUY [drooling] he's such a dude but i still love ERIC the most (@ the moment) haha.. I wana go Korea too..AH...actually anywhere also can lah as long as i take a flight fly to other country. Shanghai also not bad lah but now the weather very hot..AAh.. Taiwan & Japan too... [drooling again] I not greedy lah, anywhere of these places can liao. haha..don't like long flights coz i can't seat still, longest 5 hrs plus flight I've taken is already driving me crazy..haha..
night my friends [very sleepy] cute... ^0^
Yesterday went to have a haircut, very long never go cut hair liao since new year.
GOSH... i guess i overspent my $ again, got to stop buying things liao. Haiz..
Feel like going holiday...miss Hong Kong, Ah Hua tmr going HK shopping, so envoius, ask her to buy for me pyjamas from ladies street. haha. told her i so envious she going HK then she also very cute, say she can pack me inside her luggage, so cute of her.
AH.. when is my ERIC oppa drama coming out??? I wanna watch so badly. Recently feel like buying RAIN cd leh, i love the song It's raining that song, SEXY GUY [drooling] he's such a dude but i still love ERIC the most (@ the moment) haha.. I wana go Korea too..AH...actually anywhere also can lah as long as i take a flight fly to other country. Shanghai also not bad lah but now the weather very hot..AAh.. Taiwan & Japan too... [drooling again] I not greedy lah, anywhere of these places can liao. haha..don't like long flights coz i can't seat still, longest 5 hrs plus flight I've taken is already driving me crazy..haha..
night my friends [very sleepy] cute... ^0^
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