Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hehe, recently bought few shows, 2 korea and 1 taiwan show...oh gosh broke liao..haha.
sat family day went to watch Batman with my uncle & cousins, the show ok lah, alot of talking in the front part but at the back its quite nice. actually wana watch Initial D one but my 2 cousin watch liao, URGH... damit but my cousin say don't expect too much of that show. AIYO..who really care right, i wana watch the stars and the cars lah... another show i wana watch is the tom cruise show... seems nice man.. something like the day after tomorrow, i wana watch lah... ok so after the show we went to meet the others for dinner @ a thailand restaurant, i bought a cake for my uncle and he likes it, he still can say he feels so young leh, haha, my uncle so cute. i bought him a nike top coz he mention before he now got go gym work out so bought him a running top, my cousin Billy very cute xia, he bought a card for my uncle at the last min coz he really don't know what to buy then borrow from me a pen then when he write the message inside the card i laugh like hell xia, coz his hand writing worse than a primary school kid, even my uncle open the card he straight away say "wah, macham like gin na" i laugh till xiao again, so damn funny xia, manage to take some photo, ok liao then will post up.
oh yah, that day i had a small talk with micky & his gf, talking about my work stuff then micky was so shock about my pay then he say i think you better change job lah, then he say about his dreams too, he say he wants to have a shop of his own before 25 yrs old, maybe doing F&B stuffs then he still very sweet lor, say wana employ me as his staff then still can say every staff can get their own name card lah, still got staff holiday, he really very cute lor, say if business good we can go places like Japan lah blah blah but if business not good, still can go maybe JB shopping, WAHAHAHA...so funny very sweet of him right? actually when i heard he say this things i feel very touched lor, coz is like they still got include me inside their future, though nobody knows if this dream will really come true but its the thought that counts right? actually i really feel micky really change ever since he is with this girlfriend, i kind of like her lor, among my cousin's girl friend, she is the one that i met the most and can really talk with one lor, i feel like she is really our family member liao lor, even though they both still very young but i really hope they can last very long oh. wish both of your happiness always ^0^ (AH... where's my soul mate????)

Monday, June 27, 2005

I'm so drained out, think need Energiser liao. haha. wake up at 6am this morning, OH GOSH..now my eyes wana close liao, anyway today stock take never see the Hongkie so feels good.
hm... do i really feel happy that i going to transfer back to NAC? very mixed feeling leh... haiz... must be that Hongkie trying to break the 3 of us up..jealous we so close RIGHT? HUMPH... ban her liao.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Tick Tock goes the clock can't stop
No matter how hard I've tried.

gosh...it's nearly 2 weeks that i haven't been blogging. hehe. very lazy and alot of things happening. alot of things happening @ work, very lazy to write out lah, then now i got the urge to resign liao, gotta look out for new jobs liao.
Yeah... tomorrow my Family Day!! yeah yeah. finally got gathering liao, so happy. ^0^
so damn xian, mon having stock take. URGH... i just hate stock take. gotta wake up so early.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Hm.. few days never update blog liao, really very lazy leh, Land say not I lazy but my mind is full of someone. hehe. OK LAH...i admit..hehe ^0^
Yesterday is Janice birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
ok lets think of what happen these few days. Well.. i mention before the good news about my Thyroid liao hor, ok so Fri I stayed at home to do room cleaning. then that day I watch Ch 54 Entertainment News then got Shinhwa leh...OH.. MY ERIC... there were filming a fried chicken commercial then he did a very funny action, he was standing outside the cafe watching people eating the fried chicken inside the cafe then he stick his face at the glass window, his face was so damn cute leh, haha..then i did 1 stupid thing, i waited for the repeat telecast at night then i took out my camera and take a shot, haha.. coz his facial expression damn classic man.. well if that shot was a great one i will post it up let yr see. keke.. well anyway i wana waste my film too. So Happy ^0^ to be able to see him.
ok lets move on to Sat, sat morning went to pray to my Grandpa, went with my mum & one of my auntie then after that head home, evening meet my mum again to Yishun for health massage, so damn painful but after the massage i feel really great but near my shoulder there already blue black, haha... will heal after one week xia.. after that head home again watch Jap dram till 5am then wake up ard 12pm, met Janice & Xuan for movie & dinner, advance celebrate Janice birthday. Watched Mr & Mrs Smith, quite nice, hilarious, action and romance. Nice show. after that head home then today back to work, so damn xian xia... like no mood to go back work leh.. gosh.. took too many leave liao...
YEAH... my Uncle coming back soon... he so cute wants us to celebrate his birthday for him. anyway its nice that he is coming back. he will be going Thailand for holiday before heading back home...oh..so good, why alot of people going holiday... Siew Hua & Pei Hua also going Hong Kong next month..keke..ask Ah Hua to help me buy back Eric's thing...hehe..gosh today Land kept shouting @ me to wake up coz i kept talking to her about Eric's thing. hehe..know what she say about me?? say i kena poison liao..wahaha.. i still can reply her ya lor... then she said, ger ger he don't even know you exist leh, then i replied her (WAHAHAHA... LOL now xia) never mind i can be the woman behind supporting him. Land totally cannot stand me...hahaha.

[I though I might be using a lifetime's happiness in a moment]

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Isn't he cute. ^0^

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hey guys, did your managed to catch Ch 5 LOST just now? I manage to watch it and its terrific, haven really have any nice english sitcom recently until juz now watch the Lost, SUPER NICE man....highly reco. oh...full of suspense & thrilling... feels like watching a movie man... haha..k enough. today went to review my blood test result and its good news leh... my med have took control of my Thyroid and now from every morning 6 pills cut down to half, 3 pills every morning..YEAH... so happy xia... hopefully can control my illness within 1 year. today wake up damn super early leh, 7+ am wake up liao leh...oh gosh... finally few days leave why must i wake up damn super early? shit man, make me so sleepy when i travel to Polyclinic then polyclinic today damn packed, reach before 3pm then reach home at 5pm...can you imagine? super tired actually 8pm feel like sleeping liao coz really not much sleep then thought of watching Lost so tahan till now, haha.. anyway i still got tmr to sleep whole day..hehe.
Recently alot of things happen at work, don't really know how to describe but i do feel abit stress up leh..hm...anyway now don't care coz i want to enjoy my leave at the moment, as for work mon go back then talk ba...
Feel like going holiday leh... wana go KOREA... i want go see my *hubby* ^0^ hehe...Singapore so hard to find his things... angry +_+

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SOooo... Ke Ai ^0^

Booming System Floshin' pure rocks in the six drop 4 minute on stop
see money lookin' alright yeah what up pop
plus the girl throwin' signals I'm throwin' em back
flowin' cuz I found you like that p baby boy style hopin'
We match she set me crown royal with a note attached>
* A song by Shinhwa - Wedding. this is the front part of the song rap by ERIC, i suppose this rap lyrics is written by him as well coz he writes rap lyrics and he is so so...fabulous in rap, if your free can DL this song. esp this mtv, after i watch his drama Phoenix, i still not so crazy but after that 1 day i happened to see this song's mtv on Ch 51 then ever since I am head over heels for him... he had this naration thing before the whole song and then he raps and i still remember my eyes was just glued to the tv, haha, abit exagerating but it just happened and he is so yandao inside the mtv. GOSH...help me... i kept telling Land almost everyday about his things then she kept asking me to wake up then i will always answer her back one sentence, i said ever since i like him i have never waken up before...wahahaha... i know your also think like Land right? want to ask me wake up right? haha...DON'T WANT leh... =p
Oyasumi. i want to go dream of him liao...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Yo..finally here to blog liao... very lazy recently. hehe. some updates... finally finished my taka sales event, though tired but the last few days was fun coz we have made some Converse friends and they are very crazy & fun loving, really made my days over at taka pass very fast xia. ^0^ back to PP work nearly can't adjust back xia but now ok already. The sales going on making us very busy, its good to be busy though, time will pass very soon, right? AH.... recently i kept having migrain and these few days my leg abit swollen leh, don't know what happen leh, i just felt like my leg going to burst like that, the skin like very tight, OH GOSH...alot of things xia... an appearance of twenty plus but health of fifty plus...shit xia.. URGH...
Finally got another 3 days leave to clear. hopefully can get good rest or whatso ever. after the Taka sales event i really feel i'm being drenched out liao leh.. no more energy liao, got to recharge battery liao. i think my flu is coming back again... wah piang... my flu & sore throat kept going on & on leh...
suddenly mind very blank, don't know what should i write liao so will blog again other day. Night.

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Nice hair huh...

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Envy the fans leh, can get so up close & personal with them...

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Hm... seems delicious...

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Prince charming.