Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Early Celebration

HeHeHe.... had a very good day today... my sayangs Land & Siti had given me a surprise birthday celebration. Siti told me to go bank 1st before Land came in with the cake coz today she work afternoon shift.. then normally bank alot of people one lor..but today straight away go to the teller coz nobody leh then so very fast i reach back the shop liao and i saw the was meant to be a surprise i think but i saw it somehow...Land laugh untill cannot xia... so after that we took pics lor... cut cake.. c i can get Land to send me the pic then let your see. Land gave me a very pinky earings & a purplish necklace..THANKS i really like it & Siti gave me a pink sweet and nice to touch but the fur drops very kawaii ne... really appreciate the things your did for me, make me know that i'm being love & pampered... haha..i know i'm very pampered... the cake looks like the shape of lotus leh...wahaha...but Siti say look more like my face... +_+ the cake is so creamy... kind of full when i only eat 1 piece...haha...we even took photo with Ang Mo kids... is actually customer kids lah and the three kids was so kawaii ask their mum whether i can take photo with them she don't mind so we took quite a few pics with them... so ke ai leh...but the smallest boy is abit like monster leh, he mess up the clothes and we need to shift the clothes aside for him to lie at the naughty but he is really very cute so we kind of play with him...
early in the morning, saw the stege guy and our eyes met leh...wah piang so damn paisei xia...faster turn my head the other way... [butterflies inside my stomach] wahaha....
k lah thats all for today...abit short..keke...Take Care my FRIENDS...

I believe in angels,
The kind that heaven sends,
I am surrounded by angels,
But I call them friends.

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