Friday, April 22, 2005


23 years ago, there's this cute little girl born into this world. Her family consists of her parents and her elder brother. She rank second and being the youngest, her dad doted on her and her mum doted on her brother. She gre up with very little hair and her parents would put XO on her hair to make the hair grow more. She was born in the year of dog and her horoscope is taurus. She inherited part of her sturbborness through her mum coz she was born in the year of OX. She had very close kinship with her very cute cousins instead of her brother, should be the age gap, her brother was older than her by 4 years. They used to quarrel and fight with each other when they were young, she share a double decker bed with her brother, her brother sleeps on top and she sleeps below. Though they quarrel ofteh but there will be times that they talk in the middle of night on their own bed then will soon doze off.
You won't use pretty to describe her, so cute is the more appropriate word. Like every kids, she entered kindergarden, primary school, secondary school and finally ITE. The most memorable time during primary school had quite a few memory.
1) she like this guy alot since pri 1 to pri 6, she still remember his name (y.....g)
2) her classmate (T...M...) like this gal alot and now this gal is her Best Buddy.
3) there was this particular guy who sat near her, always disturb her and they actually attend the same tuition centre, then suddenly one day that guy told her, he like her and she was ... speechless and they didn't get together.
It was during secondary school that she really had some good buddies and that was the time she had her first & second love. Her first love was actually a disaster and broke off after one week. The second one was true love. So memorable yet heart breaking coz in the end they still went their separate ways though the girl really wants him back. She really loved him and she misses the kiss planted on her eyes & the hugs. And the breakup was sad coz during that period of time, the girl was dealing with her parents divorce, it was double blow to her and for 2 weeks she cried everyday at home and ended up quitting school . Though she lost her relationship, she had found even more important thing than relationship that is FRIENDSHIP. She had actually neglect her friends when she was dating that guy and her friends kind of distant her but she's glad that her friends were by her side when she really needed some support.
After ending her secondary life, she started working in a retail DIY store, after working 2 to 3 months full time, she convert to part time as she started schooling at ITE. The 3 years at ITE was very fun, she made some good friends and even till now they would meet up and la kopi. After she end her ITE life, she also quit her retail line after 4 years, the colleagues there she met was fun and take good care of her. Soon she found an office job and stayed for roughly 9 months, she is not really happy with the job and they kept changing the office, the last workplace is near Jurong port there. Walau... so damn far for the girl. Anyway after she quit that job, she was jobless for 7 months. After that she finally found a retail job again, selling sportswear. Though she don't really like the work but the colleagues were damn nice, fun loving and crazy, that's one of the reason she still stay put on the low income job.
There used to be this guy that she like at the tuition centre, he was very cute & naughty. Can be considered a trouble maker. Don't know whats the reason that attract him to her, she didn't tell him that she had feelings for him coz both are only 13 years old, still too young for all these stuffs. Though he live opposite her, but they never get to meet each other. 5 years later, they met each other at the bus stop. They exchanged numbers and the next day the guy called her up and chit-chat. After a few section of conversations, he suddenly pop up the question. 'Can you be my girlfriend'? During the times at tuition centre, he already liked her though the girl was very touched, but she didn't agree to let him enter her life. She actually thought that after such a long time, people can change and they didn't seem to have much common interest so even though she was moved by him, she rejected him. Haiz... the girl sometimes will wonder what it would be like if she accepted that guy... anyway is already in the past...

Dear All.... if you are my close friends you will know the girl inside the story is Me. This is the gift for myself this year, summarizing my 23 years of life. Thanks for all the sms i receive from my dear friends who wish me Happy Birthday! Really appreciate those who remember my birthday. Thank you.
Wishes for this year- 1) better health 2) better job 3) find a bf soon
today's entry is a very long one...hope your don't mind.... night my dears...& Happy Birthday to myself.

Remember one thing only: that it's you - nobody else - who determines your destiny and decides your fate. Nobody else can be alive for you; nor can you be alive for anybody else.

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