Saturday, August 21, 2010

this pic made my day...
finally the official first kiss for Adam couple ♥♥♥♥♥
sooooooooo cute...
kwon was so shocked that ga in really kissed him....

Friday, August 20, 2010

i really wish to taste the popcorn again...
let me find it this time round ya...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

argh... haven been sleeping well recently...
alot of dreams appeared during my sleep thus no good quality sleep
feeling fiesty >_<
the moment i open my mouth felt like provoking people....


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

last week walk a jog was a complete failure... haha
coz i only walk not jog.. hehehe... stomach was bloated and "big aunt" came to visit, thus my back aching =(

last sat was my review for asthma, waited nearly 1hr to see the nurse, damn fedup till i went to knock the door & check what's going on??? thn a nurse was inside attending to a patient, thn she saw me & apologise, so she knew someone was waiting very long outside lor... thn she explain she had few emergency cases, give her another 5 more mins & then ask me wait inside the room, i said it's okay, close the door & went to the ladies...
felt soooooo sleepy while waiting to see the nurse man... when i returned from ladies, i saw my number appear so i went in, this nurse damn loh soh... but still quite good, so after some check & qns she sent me to the doc, the 2 doc i like not in, so i just ask her send me to the room where nt much patient... so tired of waiting
luckily the doc din let me wait long, after i put my file in his room, he called my number in less than 3 min...
thn loh soh again etc...
initially wanted to go chinatown to get my $$ change, waited till so tired i gave up the idea, went home instead
bought lunch & watch some shw, around 2+pm i doze off... slept a straight 4 hrs of nap....
if not for the noise at the corridor, i might sleep even longer lor, i still woke up & scolded a boy for bouncing the stupid ball at the corridor...
damn it...
totally hate people playing or talking loudly at the corridor when i sleep or wtch tv

okay this week walk a jog is gona cancel
coz ceci is on leave tmr & i die die dun wana change to other day... hahaha
so i get a day off tmr... hohohoho...
i'm so tired -_-
feeling abit sick, might be down with flu soon
damn the weather
everynite i hide inside my quilt lor, so cold man... esp last sun, rain whole day...

ktv session this sun =)
long holiday ahead... woooohoooo cant wait man... haha
gona nap this sat again... hehehe...
have been napping for nearly a month every sat liao... hahaha
i love my sat =)