Saturday, June 06, 2009

finally knew why weijie's entries recently so moody...

Aunt Lian just called me and informed me that jie's uncle passed away few hrs ago, lung cancer, discovered it in around a month only and it's the last stage already.
morning aunt called jie up and informed him that his uncle in critical condition so he rushed down to hospital, jie called his mum at 3pm, no words out from his mouth, only crying sounds were heard... aunt knew that his uncle didn't make it already

i have heard that his uncle doted him ALOT and they are very close
hmm... when my aunt told me he heard jie cried on the phone, i also cried lor... cry coz "xin tong"jie... he is always a strong guy, to cry till like that must be hard... feel like giving him a hug

i still rem few yrs back, 1 of his close friend passed away, he told me his gang of brothers din shed a tear until the last day of funeral, a bunch of black guys all crying... see how strong he have been...

your uncle has gone to a better place and i know like usual he will be protecting you from above

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