Wednesday, April 22, 2009

dinner @ Jumbo, i wanted to eat chilli crabby~

went singing at Macau, its actually a club where gt ladies to sit with if you want, the 3 of them really take good care of me lor... when we went in, john auto walk behind me lor, thn my boss lead me to the toilet and she sits at the door there to see i came out from toilet liao or nt, she so scare i kena kidnap lor -_-"
i did a jay chou concert there...LOL... wanted to sing with john on jay's song bt he left earlier... anyway sing till my voice abit hoarse this morning... sang til ard 12am and we left... enjoyable night =)

the only group photo
john- my boss christine - me - cecilia

gift frm john

frm boss & ceci, totally matches my hp =D

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