Sunday, February 15, 2009

i'm blogging now with my new lappy

finally billy came over & fix it for me =) lukily he have that cd-rom thingy (i duno wats the name for that thing, bi said it is hard drive, is it??)

he came over my house ard 5+pm, thn manage to fix all but just cannot connect to internet, thn he ask me to call starhub to get some info, thn we just settle everything thn went dinner with his dad(his dad drove him here), thn we went geylang for dinner thn when i came back, amazingly the internet can connect already, hehe, save me the trouble to call starhub xia...

this lappy is really tiny lor... haha..

ah... it's so freaking hot these few days -_-
take care friends...

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