we upgrade our coach to executive coach =)
there's game also, no mario bt got sonic =)
it's spacious
Reached KL around 2.30pm, 1st stop in KL is mid valley, it's freaking atrocious when u need to deal with the taxi drivers, quote us a freaking rm30 to mid valley, in the end i managed to bargain 1 cab to RM23, ARGH...
Mdm Kwan, see my freaking tired face...
vincci & nose was such a let down, me & jan can't find any nice shoes lor... shop till 7+ and got a cab to take us back to hotel, freaking RM20, actually the uncle do not want to take us, he said bukit bintang very jam now, so i offered him RM20, and i think he was shocked i gave him so good deal and off we go back to hotel, damn jam lor, took us roughly half an hr to reached...
after putting stuff back to hotel and some rest, we head to sungei wang to shop, but didn't get to shop much as alot of shops are closing so around 10+ we went to massage, did an half hr foot & half hr back, neck & head massage - RM60 (i miss BKK's massage... well.. will be going in Feb, can't wait..) back to hotel around 11+, bath & sleep, can't really sleep well thn my face start to itch again, HAIZ.. i didn't eat any seafood, k... so i got up apply cream & took my med and i dozed off quite fast =)
9 Nov
kept lazing on bed, didn't want to get up and got "suan" by jan -_-
9.30am - reached hotel restaurant for breakfast, thn freaking stupid thing is the buffet is only for 1 people only?? stupid agency $%*@
so in the end, we just head out to eat outside instead, jan felt like eating roti prata, and there was 1 shop selling roti prata just near our hotel =)
roti prata with sugar & butter, miscommunication, we both wanted 1 roti prata with sugar & butter, 1 egg but they serve us both 2 pc of sugar & butter -__- after eating 1 pc, its kind of disgusting... haha... so we wanted to eat the egg prata so i went to order again
then while we were eating, there was a cat on the rooftop (we were sitting outside of the shop and the rooftop was quite near us, the cat looks scary lor, thn suddenly the cat just got up (looks like it wanted to jump down our table) my first reaction was to faster get up and jan also got scared by me, haha.. 1 min later the uncle there saw us standing up so asked us what happened? so i point at the cat, thn he shooed the cat away.. in the end too scare of the cat jumping down again we asked uncle to tabao the egg prata for us instead..
so we had egg prata in our room =) only managed to eat half, coz my stomach too full of the sugar & butter prata liao, so "ni" =(
after makan & resting, we checked out around 11 and went to sungei wang again as the previous day we didn't get to shop much, this whole trip we only gt to cover 2 shopping malls which is mid valley & sungei wang.. HAHA.. power hor... coz we really is relaxed trip lor, keke...
had lunch in this korean resaurant at the trendy zone, we only managed to order 1 raman, coz i wasn't really hungry so we shared the ramen, see jand dong gun behind me =)
quite nice =)
shop till 2pm and head back to hotel to wait for our coach
hotel room
this hotel there's negative & positive comments
postive - location is good, just beside sungei wang, i like the bathroom, though no bath tub but the bathing space is big, and the water heater is good... alot of hotels i went if you turn the hot water, it can get very hot and thus u need to turn the cold side also, but this htl u just need to turn the hot water & the temp is just right =)
negative - it's not as nice as what jan's friend said lor... haha.. u look carefully at the dressing table, no mirror lor... bed is abit hard, w estayed on the 2nd storey, and at night there's a live pub very near out htl and mid night u can hear the music lor =( and some stupid car noise below is quite loud T__T (lucky i managed to take the stop itch med which is drowsy and thus i got to sleep very well =)
1 thing abt this hotel, i do not know is good or bad la, everytime u take the lift, u need to insert the room card before u can press any level, imagine us back with our stuff and still need to take the card out, so ley chey... bt its good for security wise la... tat's why i said duno it's good or bad lor...
no game =(
last holiday this year =)
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