Monday, October 27, 2008

Yest went to my aunt house for BBQ.. i din really have a good appetite though, ate 2 rounds but nt as much as i used to eat.. HEHE.. coz i starve myself since sat night, and didn't eat anything on sun morning, so when i reached my aunt's place i was damn hungry lor... bt so sad is i didn't get to eat much.

After that teach aunt to use her laptop to search for her taiwan trip, as my mum & another aunt went also, when i was teaching my aunt, these 2 crowd around as well... haha.. actually the scene is quite cute lor, its like i got 3 student there.. haha.. too bad i didn't get to catch it on camera

After surfing and playing around for 4 hrs, we makan again... i eat abit only & i can't stuff myself already... maybe i'm not feeling quite well, when i'm surfing the net, my rashes start again =(
After 2nd round, it got worse... my face is damn itchy =(
this 2 weeks this stupid rashes thing is driving me crazy...lucky i went see doc take cream & med liao...

i can't even sleep well yest nite, my body is like on heat yest whn i reach home and i kept sneezing, i so scare i gona kena flu so i took my "ying qiao" b4 i sleep then middle of the nite the rashes start again, so itchy... since i just took chinese med b4 i slept, i can't take the rashes med... so i try to make myself sleep and nt think about it... then i woke up this morning ard 6 to apply the cream and take the med coz i really can't stand the itch liao, as the med is quite drowsy, i slept till 1+pm just now...

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