Monday, October 27, 2008

Yest went to my aunt house for BBQ.. i din really have a good appetite though, ate 2 rounds but nt as much as i used to eat.. HEHE.. coz i starve myself since sat night, and didn't eat anything on sun morning, so when i reached my aunt's place i was damn hungry lor... bt so sad is i didn't get to eat much.

After that teach aunt to use her laptop to search for her taiwan trip, as my mum & another aunt went also, when i was teaching my aunt, these 2 crowd around as well... haha.. actually the scene is quite cute lor, its like i got 3 student there.. haha.. too bad i didn't get to catch it on camera

After surfing and playing around for 4 hrs, we makan again... i eat abit only & i can't stuff myself already... maybe i'm not feeling quite well, when i'm surfing the net, my rashes start again =(
After 2nd round, it got worse... my face is damn itchy =(
this 2 weeks this stupid rashes thing is driving me crazy...lucky i went see doc take cream & med liao...

i can't even sleep well yest nite, my body is like on heat yest whn i reach home and i kept sneezing, i so scare i gona kena flu so i took my "ying qiao" b4 i sleep then middle of the nite the rashes start again, so itchy... since i just took chinese med b4 i slept, i can't take the rashes med... so i try to make myself sleep and nt think about it... then i woke up this morning ard 6 to apply the cream and take the med coz i really can't stand the itch liao, as the med is quite drowsy, i slept till 1+pm just now...

Friday, October 17, 2008

bought 2 pairs of nike shoe today... my workplace here gt a place where always got sales, this week is Nike sales... hehe

running shoe @ $69

casual shoe @ $49

total damage = $118

Monday, October 13, 2008

i find myself crying alot recently...
even small thing can also make me cry...
i'm so tired till i wana book an airtic & just take off now...
i felt alot better after talking to billy just nw...
he ask me not to bottle so much inside, try to let it out
=) thanks cousin

Sunday, October 12, 2008

since my korea trip has been delayed... hmm.. where shall i head to my next holiday destination?
Anyone care for a holiday together? hehe...
i feel like flying to BKK now lor.. wahahaha...
or shall i still proceed my korea trip? hm... well.. find people first... keke...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

TIRED Photobucket
i guess age is really catching up, just nt enough sleep for 2 or 3 days, i feel my body is going to break into pieces
i just fell asleep deeply whn i layed on my bed these few days...

Haiz... my korea trip is being delayed... Photobucket

Thursday, October 09, 2008

i think i have scared everyone yest, haha.. i'm fine today...
Thanks for the concern =) love your so much...

Till we meet again...

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

something big happen in office today & i gt so scared that i cried... haiz.. hope i can forget this unhappy incident, but another one is coming soon

this week super xian...

saw garrick's blog just now, so damn funny lor... haha.. at least brighten up my mood

my darling going to army tomorrow liao... gona miss him sooo much, i hope he eat well, sleep well, take good care of himself & we'll meet in 2010, i will rerun your drama whenever i miss you... =)

it's 12.33am now, hardly awake at this time of the day as tmr still need to work but i'm talking to my male buddy now...
ah... miss him lots... miss the days when if i'm feeling down, we would talk on the phone & he would crack jokes to me & we would talk the lamest things or jokes...
though now we have matured, we still talk silly things.. haha

hey buddy
miss u lots oh..nice talking to you on msn again =)
meet up soon ok..

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Finally found you....


it has been missing for more than two years? maybe? i couldn't rem... anyway i finally found it this morning... hehe...
it's a present from my grandma on my 21st birthday, so it's very special for me. so happy that i finally found it =)

Thursday, October 02, 2008

what's happening??
so many shocking news today =(