Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Woke up this morning & felt my left arm abit painful... didn't really care till i went out to work, while walking, my both hand swinging then i suddenly felt the pain on my left hand, i swing slightly harder, it HURTS lor.. told my boss when she came in, and coz her "bf" is in this trade, she drove me to his shop to treat my hand, she drove Jaguar(her dad's car coz her car went see doctor)..tot i sprain my arm while sleeping but he said the problem lies on my nerves... anyway.. he help me massage & do the 拔罐

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got abit scare beginning but after awhile ok liao...

the med sucks lor... those black syrup.. nearly fainted...
just now suddenly felt very 酸 on my arm when i was watching online variety show... so i msg Bud told her 我的手踩到 lemon, 好酸噢. she say i lame... =p gosh... hopefully tmr will be better.

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