Saturday, June 02, 2007

Shrek 3 was funny, finally a nice part 3 show, spidey & pirates was boo boo... got free tic frm Janice sis friend but the seat was 2nd row... gosh, gee... i really dun like vivo, so damn crowded xia...and it's always so damn crowded at mrt. I met Junxian today, haha, he just knock off, so nice to see old friend. after movie, we went walk walk & saw pet lover shop beside daiso & so we went in & saw cute animals, hehe, me & Janice bought snack for little devil Gennis, thanks janice (^0^)
i went Jie's house to pass him Nini's food & lucky me, i got to see Jie bath her, hehe, but frankly she still stink, hahaha. she hate the sound of hair-dryer & really HAtE the brush, but the brush really very pricky so can understand why she don't like, Jie say is better for her fur.

Finally my holiday is coming to an end, haiz...good time just pass so dang fast man...i enjoyed my holi, hehe. Hope my new job will be good.

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