Monday, August 28, 2006

Mike was dashing, i know Lin going to kill me...hehe =P, he looks good in pink shirt... Finally found my orange neon lightstick, hehe, hopefully is a orange if not go back & find the auntie... bought a sling bag that i like, hehe, last 2 wks ago, saw 2 shops selling at bugis but i only ask 1 shop the pricing it's $19.90 but i didn't buy it coz of the SA, i ask her whether got new one, she say don't have thn whn i saw the bag got abit dirty, she ask 1 of the staff to go find a new one, sucks new one still say don't have, so eventually i never buy, then today when to another stall and guess how much? $15.90 the auntie was way friendlier than the other one i met and the price cheaper and the auntie sold it to me at $15, so happy, somemore ask her got new one, she immediately go and take a new one for me, that's customer service~~~ ^0^
~~~14 more days to go~~~

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