Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ah...i'm sick again... sore throat again and flu...had blocked nose when i sleep these few days, even "ying qiao" cannot cure so no choice got to see doc, after taking the medicine abt 1 hr later, knockdown.... had a very good sleep...but felt very tired & abit giddy coz the drowsiness haven really get out of my body... actaully i'm suppose to be having course these few days, and gosh...the course makes me feel like i don't have childhood leh....why? coz i now realize i don't know how to fold paper aeroplane....haha... life's pretty boring... ah...nothing to look forward recently, oh 1... on 4 mar, got to attend 2 wedding, gosh... 1 is Jon wedding another 1 is Sena darling wedding, one at expo another one at little india... wana cry leh, got to rush 2 side...haiz... why they got to choose same date huh? make me so busy leh... haha...anyway is sppose to be a happy occasion lah... CONGRATS.... yest was V day, how dud yr spend the day? me? back home after course lor... no dates...haiz... wana get home straight after course, dun wana see couples outside...pathetic me...
Ah... so sick & tired of life... everyday same routine, same life, got to see same people... so getting sick of it... Ah hua finally get to resign...happy for her, finally get out of hell =) Land also yest last day liao =) finally get out of hell too huh...haha... so getting ready to backpack liao lor... bring me along...pls... =)
finally chinese new yr have come to an end huh? but i receive 2 ang baos frm my realtive today, coz i never went to my dad's side this yr so they pass the ang bao to my dad and then pass to me...haha... so happy at least still got $ anyway this yr new yr was quite boring but i like the feeling when my family is beside me, like nothing else matters... on the new yr eve, went to my aunt house for reunion dinner, steamboat...YUMMY.... then after that went for movies, 1st day of new yr went to my grandma house, eat & watch dvd after that movie at night again... my uncle manage to come back last min on the night of eve, i told him he should have come back earlier so we can have delicious steamboat..haha, anyway that was last min he could get a tic lor... 2nd day of new yr, went to meet Lin, Jenny, Ting & Gek in the late afternoon, had a walk an ang bao river there but too crowded & squeezy so we left after awhile then movie again...haha..every yr new yr always movie marathon coz nothing else to do mah...right? 3rd day at home sleep...boring right? that's my life recently lor... so xian... i just wish my life would be abit more colourful & interesting.
til the next post... duno when lah... take care then...^0^

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