Saturday, December 31, 2005


Today is the last day of 2005.
Still left ard 4 hr and 30 mins to the new start of 2006.
Well... do your sometimes start to think how was my 2005 like? Every year on the last day I would always think how was my life like for these whole year. Did alot of things happened this year? Do your think like that too? Or was it just me? Anyway this year had alot of ups & downs, knew my Thyroid illness in Apr,had a short trip to Genting in May & change jobs in Oct, well these 3 events is the only thing i can remember, of coz there are still alot of things happening, but my poor memory starts to work again...^_^)
Why am I here writing blog today where I should go and party myself to the dawn? Well...thats bcoz I really hate to go crowd with others, even last week, Christmas countdown, I juz spend the time with my cousins go movie and chit chat at kopitiam and of coz avoiding city area...Jenny ask me out for coffee with Lin but I reject, coz I was not feeling well, I spend my afternoon napping, gosh... I slept from 1pm to 6pm, frankly speaking I never slept so long for my nap, mostly give me 3 hrs for nap is very standard but I don't know why this time round I slept for so long and I didn't even take medicine, guess I'm really too tired...
New Year Resolution?
No I never had new year resolutions coz I never stick to that, I just live by each day. Able to sleep, eat, smile, laugh & be in love will be enough for me. Hmm..add 1 more will be good health, hopefully 2006 I can stop my medicine for Thyroid. Bless me!!!
For my Dear Friends~~~

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