Friday, January 01, 2010

a new journey begins... =)

frm facebk can see alot of people complaining about 2009 being a bad yr, hmm... mayb coz of the bad economy being a very big problem... i duno, just guessing though... hehe

so what have my dear friends did during the countdown??


i doze off at 11+... LOL

so sleepy, didn't nap coz knock off at 4pm, weird timing for me to nap... so i endure till 11+ and doze off to my lala land...
woke up ard 9am thn log on internet
xuan still haven sleep lor, think it was mayb 1+or 2+am at france, thn we had a good chat for around 2hrs... thn off she go to bed
i went back to my lala land around 12pm too... hahaha...
i am keeping my 1st new yr resolution true...hehehe
just very tired, eyelids was very heavy this morning i woke up >_<
managed to nap around 2 hrs... hehehe

mtg hua later for togi dinner... yum yum, korean food craving again...kekeke

enjoy the long weekend my friends...

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