Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

方向... 隨意晃 會發現 不一樣的*方向*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

23 jan 2010

hehehe.. shopping spree today.... super satisfied man... hohoho
a great way to destress... told hua i wana spend $$ today... lol

love this shoe $28.90

the back is so unique...

Bysi dress
guess hw much??
70% off - $14.70
though i should avoid black, just can't let this go... the price is so tempting...

Bysi again - $14.50
OMG... price is soooo tempting... lol

bought a levis signature jeans $39.90, 2 pyjamas - $16, 3 jellies - $8.70

stuffs frm hua - hokkaido trip

stuffs frm boss & ceci bought in US & korea...
love the mask so much... hohoho

Thursday, January 21, 2010

thanks to my friends who have been hearing me rant this few days...
i really need to rant to get it all out, though nothing's gona change, but i felt better after ranting or blogging
nothing makes me happy these few days...
desire of a break

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

it's 11pm now, should be in bed by now,
but i know i can't sleep if i don't get this out of my chest...
just as i expected there's things gona happen when i can't sleep well for the past few weeks...

so now apart from being in sales & purchasing dept, gona spread to service dept as well...
in short, Bao Ga Liao dept...
though its announce as temp, we won't know how long this temp is gona be... it can take up few months for sure...
frankly speaking, i dun have any desire to learn any of the service stuffs...
service = complaints
totally hate it...
and especially gona learn from someone i dun like...
service staff also cmi except for one who is always being overload

just when i tot 2010 might be a good year, it turns out horribly...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

finally had a good sleep yest nite...
have been sleeping a pathetic few hrs everyday for this week... might be the new pillow, might be something's gona happen lately... i duno...
slept near 12 hrs... thn nap again for awhile just now.. my eyes is still puffy -_-"
i'm soooooooo exhausted...
oh... my face is soooo dry now T_T
nt too sure what is the thing tat makes my face sensitive again... i figure is the sunblock which i just started using... haiz... my face feels like cracking...
met up with zhuli & kok yang with lin yest, its a 10 yrs gathering... haha
abit awkward during the dinner... lol... hmm.. i was quite quiet la, lin did the talking mostly..
i'm just too tired liao... nice to catch up with them though
after dinner, ky went to meet his friends and the ladies proceed to shopping @ 313, bought a Mng top.. hehe...

dinner at crystal jade in orchard central
there will be more gatherings in time to come...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

i bought 2 pillows this month, the 1st is so high and hard, and now the 2nd one is so low & soft...
haiz... adjusting to the 2nd pillow now... can't really sleep well these few days...
these few days so busy at work... haiz... tired man...
so looking forward to feb nw...

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

just finish watching 2 epi of Pasta
surprisingly nice lor... haha.. bt 2 epi still can't tell if the back will be nice as well, alot of drama 1st few epi very nice thn end up getting horrible in the middle, and thats when i will give up the show man...
oh... the pasta inside is making me start my pasta crave again... drooling... OMG... my pasta companion still in france leh...
alex is abit dreamy inside the show... haha.. miss him in we got married...
my six hundred post =)
nite friends!!

Monday, January 04, 2010

korea gifts frm BJ

since i dun get to travel, i have been asking people to buy stuff back for me... haha.. all over the world... France, US, Korea, Japan & Shanghai... hehehe...

Saturday, January 02, 2010

on the 1st day of twenty ten, i spent a hundred on shop & eat... hahaha...
unleash the devil on a brand new year... lol

Friday, January 01, 2010

a new journey begins... =)

frm facebk can see alot of people complaining about 2009 being a bad yr, hmm... mayb coz of the bad economy being a very big problem... i duno, just guessing though... hehe

so what have my dear friends did during the countdown??


i doze off at 11+... LOL

so sleepy, didn't nap coz knock off at 4pm, weird timing for me to nap... so i endure till 11+ and doze off to my lala land...
woke up ard 9am thn log on internet
xuan still haven sleep lor, think it was mayb 1+or 2+am at france, thn we had a good chat for around 2hrs... thn off she go to bed
i went back to my lala land around 12pm too... hahaha...
i am keeping my 1st new yr resolution true...hehehe
just very tired, eyelids was very heavy this morning i woke up >_<
managed to nap around 2 hrs... hehehe

mtg hua later for togi dinner... yum yum, korean food craving again...kekeke

enjoy the long weekend my friends...