Sunday, November 15, 2009

13th Nov 09 - fri the thirteen
eat, shop, movie day...
buffet @ intercontinental htl shld be the 1st & last time... totally sucks.. not worth the $$, food is cold, the few things i like might be the bread, the greens and 2 of the pastries...
after lunch went MS to shop...
went to this tw cafe @ citylink... spent less thn half an hr inside the cafe & left in a hurry to catch movie at the grand cathay at 6.15pm...
nice to be out on a weekday with my pals =)

this seat is quite good, quiet & nice

pathetic fruits...

xmas gift frm hua, the shawl i like frm uniqlo =)

the menu is freaking cute la

i totally look like this character... the fringe & curly hair & the stare... hehe



chicken burger

more damage to my wallet =(
esprit is xmas gift frm janice
bought another xmas gift & xmas card too...

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