Sunday, November 29, 2009

this was the 1st words out from the fortune teller today...
99% of the words she said is really true about me...
surprise surprise...
good guidance and i'm trying hard to change liao...
give me some more time...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

have not been sleeping well recently...
my shoulders aching and i felt my pillow too high, so tried to sleep w/o my pillow also no use... haiz...
last few days was so cold till i kept having chest tightness =(
so ate crocodile meat yesterday again...

next week there's 3 event to anticipate =)
though don't really look forward the 1st event, but very looking forward to the 2nd & 3rd =D

Saturday, November 21, 2009

back to asthma review today, and the total cost of consultation + med cost me freaking 50 bucks... argh...
have not save a penny this month for my trip =(
have been spending like flowing river......
time to save more next mth *i really hope so*

Friday, November 20, 2009

chris bought cakey for teabreak...
yummy... esp the cheese cake

after i ate the strawberry, i saw the heartshape by the stawberry print on the cake, so cute, so took a pic... hehe

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

all i wanted is my family to be happy & healthy and nothing else...


hmm... ktv is good, can destress again...
i wan go holi =(
5 more mths... argh...

Monday, November 16, 2009

cold cold
si beh leng...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

13th Nov 09 - fri the thirteen
eat, shop, movie day...
buffet @ intercontinental htl shld be the 1st & last time... totally sucks.. not worth the $$, food is cold, the few things i like might be the bread, the greens and 2 of the pastries...
after lunch went MS to shop...
went to this tw cafe @ citylink... spent less thn half an hr inside the cafe & left in a hurry to catch movie at the grand cathay at 6.15pm...
nice to be out on a weekday with my pals =)

this seat is quite good, quiet & nice

pathetic fruits...

xmas gift frm hua, the shawl i like frm uniqlo =)

the menu is freaking cute la

i totally look like this character... the fringe & curly hair & the stare... hehe



chicken burger

more damage to my wallet =(
esprit is xmas gift frm janice
bought another xmas gift & xmas card too...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

hmm... i find my cough quiet down alot recently...
nt sure if it's the naval spray i use every night or was the crocodile meat taking its effect, whichever it is, it's good =D

can't wait for tomorrow's outing... hehe...

so sleepy @_@

Uncle is 200% sure coming back to SG in jan 2010, finally after away from home for ard 20 yrs, he is back to SG for good, i still have some memories of the 1st time he left to work in australia whn i was in pri sch, i cried in airport... lol.. as always... crybaby T_T
couldn't rem he was in australia for hw long thn he shift his work to thailand for few yrs, thn move to shanghai, he stayed in shanghai the longest...

i missed the holidays we spent in shanghai when i was 18, the 4 of us, me, billy, micky & garrick went there for our sch holidays, i was just of legal age... haha... our 1st trip w/o our mums... so happy when we enter the custom... lol... when we lost the sight of our moms, we cheered for joy... lol... our 10 days trip in china was nice, relaxing & adventurous

uncle pick us up at the airport, he even rented a van coz of our luggages, our flight gt delayed and he quickly whisked us off to the van whn we reached the airport... he said the driver is in a hurry... haha... it was a fri when we reached
thn the next day, sat, we head off to suzhou i think, with 1 of his colleague... woke up damn early for our train... spent 1 night there...

thn the next day back to shanghai, uncle went to work on mon as usual, we only meet him after work for dinner, so it was relaxing when we dun need to wake up so early, took our own sweet time to head out, though i can't rem where we had been but the most memorable event whn we went to the zoo, after reaching for less thn 20mins, micky had a very bad stomachache, so no choice we have to head back to uncle's apartment, call my uncle, think he only head back after work, thn we rushed mic to hospital coz his diarrhoea is so bad.... he gt hospitalised... lol
think he stayed for 1 or 2 night, can't really rem...

thn we spent another weekend in hangzhou, also woke up early, bt this time take bus there... lol.. train tic sold out...
think this was the place where we spent the night at a less thn 3* hotel i think, i rem is at the back of a restaurant
6 of us, 3 rooms
uncle & his colleague stayed the 1st level, the 4 of us stayed on the 2nd level
thn i was supposed to be the same room with billy, thn duno hw end up, mic & weijie sleep on my room, billy slept alone in the other room... lol... anyway, just when we were about to doze off, police came knocking on our door... whn i was about to open the door, the door open itself, thy had keys with them, and one of them show me his badge and then demand to see our passport... think thy tot we illegal immigrant... LOL
thn we told them passport is with uncle below, so thy go downstairs, nt sure what happen downstairs though, we just shut the door and went back to sleep... haha... too tired liao, and the temp is so damn cold...

basically all of us were sick when we were in china, me, billy & weijie caught the cold... i was coughing like mad almost everyday there...

oh.. i remember another pool incident... haha... uncle's apartment nearby there's a place to play pool, thn we went on one night after dinner, uncle drop us there thn he went back home, thn we happily play until 4get the time, think we were suppose to go to hangzhou the next day, so uncle want us to get home early, thn he call us & and scolded us for being late... haha...
thn we din realise the building going to close liao, lift was not working... lol... we had no choice but to take the stairs, bt the stairs dun really have lights, we can only depend on the lights outside the windows... thn we hold each other hands and rush down the stairs, think it was 5th or 6th level high... we are just soooo funny...
thn the 4 of us ran home, the journey back is so fun, the temperature that night was just nice, cooling, thn we kind of race back home =)

those memories were so unforgettable man... haha

just whn i tot wana visit shanghai next yr again, uncle is coming back liao... haiz...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this post is publicity for weijie aka garrick's work purpose.

P life insurance
sign up now till 30 nov , there's up to 20% off in premium for 1 year...
let me know if u are interested =)
my cousin quite yandao wor... just abit black & short... LOL...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

my first health screening report in my 27 yrs of life...
I'M HEALTHY... haha
hm...nothing much just the urine test abit nt good... nothing to worry though, might be the asthma med i took before the check up, so affect the result...
quite shock my cholesterol level is on the normal range... haha.. tot will be quite high... my good & bad cholesterol is normal... so funny is cholesterol still gt good & bad one... lol

didn't expect they put the result into so nice folder... lol...

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

a new drama by rainie yang & show luo
caught the 1st epi yest, quite funny... haha
nt used to see rainie so violent... show nerd till so funny lor...

Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.

can't wait for fish head stamboat & shopping tonite... =)

Monday, November 02, 2009

seriously what is wrong with me huh??
i felt the shopping urge again... haiz...
can't afford to spend so much this mth =[

Sunday, November 01, 2009

1 nov - brunch @ Togi with ah hua...
this is the 1st time we order BBQ pork belly... sinful man...

a small bowl to collect the oil... wonder do they recycle?? lol

ramen with rice cake... yummy...

bean paste seafood soup...
after makan we went buy some grocery thn head to PS, did some shopping and then head to Wisma & Ion, my 1st time in Ion... hahaha
so mountain tortise nw... keke
then went to 1 of my favourite shop Mng and fell in love with this...

so nice... $49 after discount.. hohoho
30 oct - lunch at boon keng...
bah kut teh...
nice =)