Tuesday, August 04, 2009



just came back frm the "tui na", wah piang........ damn painful lor

"tui" both hands & legs and my back, my right leg is the most painful one...

but at least the muscle nt so tight liao, esp both my hand...

well... the thyroid report is out, its normal =D

but i have to go back review on asthma again...

the nurse made me wear mask, so out of breath, thn i kept pulling the mask down for some fresh air... thn when she ask me wana go back to the previous doc, i kept dun want, thn she laugh, she said the female doc quite good one just abit fierce, i told her anyone else but the female doc...

actually less thn 1 hr i'm already done, thn i waited for ard 15 min just to get my med, wasting my time...

well.. i reached early to the polyclinic today, instead of listening to mp3, i watch Twilight for the upteen times ... LOL
i love twilight, both the movie & book

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