Wednesday, July 15, 2009

yest ask Serene to bring me to see doctor in hougang ave 8, recomended by gek, ask her to come fetch me after work, thn we went her house, she had her dinner 1st, thn her mum asked me drink soup, it's been awhile since i had home made soup, nice even though the taste was abit bland, nice for my tummy, haha, since i haven fully recover from my gastric flu
i think the med made me alot better coz i had wanton mee & carrot cake for lunch today, hehehe

why the pic so blur =(

John with his new precious Honda Accord, taken on mon 13 Jul, he ask me use this pic on my desktop, one word -

so spacious, hahaha
finally the aircon problem is no longer a problem =D

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