Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Have been smelling the paint at my office the whole day, so making people feel giddy de lor... when i reached home today, the moment i open the door, i smell paint odour again...tot my nose playing with me, in the end, my dad had painted the pipes in the toilet... gosh... all these happen today. coincidence lor..

i'm loving kopi prince..haha.. juz finish watching epi 10 in tudou... 6 more epi to go... so pei fu the person dl into tudou...some more so updated... yest epi 10 in korea & today i got it in tudou...with happy...

Criss angel is so charming & cool...hahaha, i love his magic...

Finally...really finally...yest i went for my blood test... should go back in apr but i kept dragging till yest. I'm not a good patient. =P

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