Thursday, April 26, 2007

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The Jap BBQ, Yummy...

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My set is non-beef course, consist of chicken, lamb, pork, scallot & prawn & still got rice, seaweed soup, salad & ice-cream... hehe... Thanks Ah Bi...i really enjoyed the dinner...

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After dinner, we had a drink in one of the pub at Meridean, this vodka x-rated is damn nice lor... macham like fruit sweet..i'm loving it

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My bao-bei at office, birthday prsent frm my colleagues

Today's mood is so damn lousy... work is getting more tough, major changes in office is making everyone crazy. I just exploded today... ARGH... met Bud for dinner today & pour out all my troubles... whn i'm on my bus heading home, i rec'd a msg frm her.
"Bud, i noe u dun feel happy on ur job, but u gonna adjust to the changes like whn u quit ur previous job and start tis job. Initially u also have difficulty when u juz started wat. Tink of yr motivation who motivates u to wrk loh"
Thanks Bud~~

Haiz... having pour out my troubles with Bud & blogging here makes me feel better... now it really has become a habit, regardless whn i'm happy or sad, blogging here makes me feel much better since now i hardly talk on the phone.

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