Thursday, April 26, 2007

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The Jap BBQ, Yummy...

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My set is non-beef course, consist of chicken, lamb, pork, scallot & prawn & still got rice, seaweed soup, salad & ice-cream... hehe... Thanks Ah Bi...i really enjoyed the dinner...

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After dinner, we had a drink in one of the pub at Meridean, this vodka x-rated is damn nice lor... macham like fruit sweet..i'm loving it

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My bao-bei at office, birthday prsent frm my colleagues

Today's mood is so damn lousy... work is getting more tough, major changes in office is making everyone crazy. I just exploded today... ARGH... met Bud for dinner today & pour out all my troubles... whn i'm on my bus heading home, i rec'd a msg frm her.
"Bud, i noe u dun feel happy on ur job, but u gonna adjust to the changes like whn u quit ur previous job and start tis job. Initially u also have difficulty when u juz started wat. Tink of yr motivation who motivates u to wrk loh"
Thanks Bud~~

Haiz... having pour out my troubles with Bud & blogging here makes me feel better... now it really has become a habit, regardless whn i'm happy or sad, blogging here makes me feel much better since now i hardly talk on the phone.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wehehe...Billy just called me, he's treating me to Japanese BBQ...Yeah... though I'm tired but since he say he's treating so here comes my energy...hahaha...better get going now... tata...
22nd April 2007 - My 25th Birthday

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Oh is my birthday and as usual i'm sick again...last yr birthday i'm sick as well...Oh there any better birthday present frm myself? have been sick for few days already... sore throat & flu...and my voice have changed, anyone wants to hear my "sexy" voice can give me a call...hahaha.

Fri nite met Lin, Jenny for dinner & some shopping, after that met Serene & went for drinks at boat quay. I was drunk...hahaha... i only had a glass of vodka ribena, guess must have been bcoz i was sick so i was drunk so easily... Serene got Zhiwei to sent us home....

Sat morning, met my aunt ard 9am, had breakfast at AMK central & head down woodlands to meet my mum and head down to JB... Oh gosh i was so tired but i had a great day with them, we 1st went City Square for some shopping then my mum's colleague drove us to Jusco, we went crazy at Jusco, we bought lots of undergarments...haha...bras & panties was going for RM10, i think its their local brand tats why it is so cheap lor... the colours were all very nice lor...
My mum & aunt was so adorable lor... they went to aracde & play game lor...

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They just love this game man... Drum game...haha... 2 aunties playing youngster's game... aren't they adorable????

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Mum's enjoying herself...

after Jusco we head down to Holiday plaza, aunt want to get some working shirt but nothing interest her, so we head down to Jalan Wang Ah Fook for dinner, we ordered claypot chicken, char kway teow & stingray, dinner was so full....woohoo... reached home 10+, so damn shag... oh ya and something made me pissed off at the arcade, 1 stupid fatty bum never see me in front of him and he kicked me on my leg & my poor right foot toenail came off, was bleeding nonstop man.... so damn painful....

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reached home to take the plaster off, the whole plaster was covered with blood... i was cursing & swearing tat fatty inside my mind the whole day...

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After clean up...

Well...let me forget this incident if not my blood going to boil again...

It's 3.49pm now and it's raining heavily... so nice for a nap man... but i just woke up not long... had almost 12 hrs of sleep yest... wake up almost 2pm just now... luckily i put my hp mode to silent... if not i would have been waken up by u guys... REALLY THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE
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You know i Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket you all right?

Phew... finally finish my post... so tired...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

~~~Happy Day~~~ Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

had eye contact with my motivation at bus stop today...woohoo... hahaha... just makes my day man... he was sitting at the front part of the bus stop, i was standing at the back of the bus stp, duno why he suddenly turn to my direction & look, so i juz pretend see other places, then i felt he kept looking at my direction so i look at him...& oh boy... we made eye contact for few sec & i really too paisei so i juz turn away first, he was still looking for awhile and thn he turned away... OH MY... i guess i must have blushed on the spot...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket, but izit bcoz he didn't wear specs so he kept looking??? but why at my direction which is at the back??? AIYA... forgot to see my back got other gals or not....HUMP.... whatever... i will just assume he look at ME......hehe... Thanks Motivation~~ a great birthday present...
Oh... i did something psycho, i took his pic...weheheehe...but back view & abit far....can't expect much lor coz bus stop so many people...

Saturday, April 14, 2007

200 pounds beauty is a nice show... worth spending the wkend $ to watch =) the songs inside are all so nice...

I hate my weak stomache... Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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~~~Bookmark & muffin by Linette~~~

My sky collection, i love clouds (δΊ‘) coz of my name...

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Today is Linette's(my superior) last day...guess i will miss her voice very much...hehe...she wore the earing we gave to her... nice leh...she received flower nice but the flowers came with a vase... i wonder how she bring home coz the vase quite big.. i wana get flowers on my birthday too, any kind soul wana send me flowers??? i will be glad to give u my office address... (^0^)
well.. i really wish to get out of this dept boss sucks... i really don't like her lor...there will be major changes in our dept xian...

Yeah.. Weijie is celebrating his 21st birthday next mth, chalet at Aloha Loyang... yeah...long time nvr go chalet le, but loyang so xian lor...well it's my birthday next wk but i'm not at all anticipating, guess age really catch up with me that i don't really wana celebrate my birthday already... my first bd present already... Thank you, u know who u r...

Flu virus is spreading dangerously in my office, take good care everyone...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Its been a long waited post....keke.
So many things coming on, no time to blog... got time also lazy lor...

Well... something that i found out recently...

L frm Death Note -Kenichi Matsuyama
He acted in Gokusen, 1 liter of tears, Nana, OMG, i couldn't even recognise him at all... tot he was a totally new actor...haha

I might be changing job soon, stupid office is moving to Alexander in july... so damn far de lor...