Monday, February 26, 2007


Had lunch next door at my granny's house... after makan & some gossip went home changed & wait for my Uncle to drive us to temple...

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After praying, went to relatives house at Sengkang, started raining....
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me hiding behind my aunt, a "big shield" from rain & wind.... keke...thanks...oh yah... & my pillow too...hehehe

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Big fat cat at my relative's house...

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c the tummy~~~

Another relative's house...

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with Jia Jun

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His complexion is flawless... so smooth skin u feel like pinching, when he plays & get hot, his face immediatley turn pink... so good till i envy lor...

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He sure makes people melt for him....

初七 - 人日

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its always in a mess...

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蜡笔小新 (^0^)

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Me & Nice...

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Vain me~~~

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