Saturday, November 18, 2006

Busy Busy Busy... my life recently is just one word...BUSY.... so busy at work everyday...and it's mentally tiring, not physically... but mentally... my brain really needs a break...ever since i started on my job scope, everyday is damn exciting lor... sure everyday got new things pop up one lor... and my memory really sucks to remeber everything, 1 thing good in working here, time pass by damn fast lor... every mon drag myself to work then mon blue then after that wed came... fri came...weekend loh... wah piang... the time really flies man... and i'm in this company 2 mths le... 1 more mth of mth will be damn busy mth for me... haiz... i don't even want dec to come... =(

I'm so glad that i have change my scv box to the new one... anyway i change also bcoz of KBS ch, alot of nice drama & entertainment show...keke..though some don't have subtitle still i find it entertaining... and i'm recently into this drama... Hwang Jini - it's a korean ancient drama...(i never like korean ancient drama) but this show really nice lor... keke... got hook on this show liao... now show till epi 3, total got ard 26 epi, shown on wed & thur 9pm, i'm practically watching KBS drama on mon till thur...coz mon & tue 9pm drama also not bad lah...

Thanks Xuan, the earings u bought for me is pretty. i wana go BKK also... i juz wana get out off singapore... just fly me anywhere... i need a break...

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Cast of Hwang Jini - Ha Ji Won is pretty...the young boy inside is so cute... too bad he die young in this drama, found him familiar until someone says he act in lovers in prague, no wonder "sek sek" lah...keke... oh... Kim Jae Won is acting in this drama too, so funny to see him in ancient drama... hope won't dissapoint me...

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