Thursday, October 26, 2006

Who can help me??? I'm still so slow with my work... how am i going to handle when my partner goes on block leave in dec?? I guess i can camp down there man... my job scope really multi-tasking lor... have to clear faxes, clear docu/letters from counter, fax/print docu, data entry, counter duties, etc... so many misc things... 1 person do can die wan lor... haiz... duno i can stay for long or not... haiz...

Weather is so nice to sleep, guess have to sleep early today...i kept yawning today...

well...yest i had a dream, dreamt of Super Junior Heechul aka Cinderella, forgot wat the dream is about leh...anyway recently quite into him...keke... he got this fierce looks, begining i don't really like him but after awhile he grows inside me...hehe...recently he had an accident & had stop his work for awhile, think now he is slighty ok and he got back to his work liao... he blogs also...keke... see his translation blog at cute...he address his fans as "petals" (flower petals), so sweet right?

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He doesn't look fierce in this pic... nice ^0^

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i don't know this doll do they really sell, it looks quite real...oh yah... he always love to have a fan in his hand during concert then he will throw the fan to his fans...

The weather now is so damn nice till i feel like sleeping liao...hehe
finally the haze is getting better...take good care my Chingu~~~

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