Monday, August 01, 2005


31st July 2005

Today is the last day Yang working @ PP. so sad of her leaving coz we are so damn close and can click so well. Amazingly I didn't cry...dunno y. but i know i hold back my tears few times today. Maybe if she's leaving this company then i guess i will sure cry lor.. but now only got transfered so its still not that bad, or maybe other things on my mind too, alot of things bottled inside my heart and I don't know how to let go nor to talk to who, coz some feelings inside my heart i can't even explain...
I'm feeling very sleepy today...gosh.. my nightmare going to start liao.. now going to be 2nd in charge makes me feel very stressed up leh... like i still not prepared yet then they just throw this respondsibility to me, though really not that tough but i can't be what i used to be like so care free leh... haiz.. very tiring..
Sat morning Army recruitment fianlly called me up, say got position now so i say i'm interested so now waiting for them to call me up again for the interview timing, hope all goes well.
I'm really tired now. Night my friend.

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