Thursday, June 09, 2005

Hey guys, did your managed to catch Ch 5 LOST just now? I manage to watch it and its terrific, haven really have any nice english sitcom recently until juz now watch the Lost, SUPER NICE man....highly reco. oh...full of suspense & thrilling... feels like watching a movie man... haha..k enough. today went to review my blood test result and its good news leh... my med have took control of my Thyroid and now from every morning 6 pills cut down to half, 3 pills every morning..YEAH... so happy xia... hopefully can control my illness within 1 year. today wake up damn super early leh, 7+ am wake up liao leh...oh gosh... finally few days leave why must i wake up damn super early? shit man, make me so sleepy when i travel to Polyclinic then polyclinic today damn packed, reach before 3pm then reach home at 5pm...can you imagine? super tired actually 8pm feel like sleeping liao coz really not much sleep then thought of watching Lost so tahan till now, haha.. anyway i still got tmr to sleep whole day..hehe.
Recently alot of things happen at work, don't really know how to describe but i do feel abit stress up now don't care coz i want to enjoy my leave at the moment, as for work mon go back then talk ba...
Feel like going holiday leh... wana go KOREA... i want go see my *hubby* ^0^ hehe...Singapore so hard to find his things... angry +_+

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SOooo... Ke Ai ^0^

Booming System Floshin' pure rocks in the six drop 4 minute on stop
see money lookin' alright yeah what up pop
plus the girl throwin' signals I'm throwin' em back
flowin' cuz I found you like that p baby boy style hopin'
We match she set me crown royal with a note attached>
* A song by Shinhwa - Wedding. this is the front part of the song rap by ERIC, i suppose this rap lyrics is written by him as well coz he writes rap lyrics and he is so so...fabulous in rap, if your free can DL this song. esp this mtv, after i watch his drama Phoenix, i still not so crazy but after that 1 day i happened to see this song's mtv on Ch 51 then ever since I am head over heels for him... he had this naration thing before the whole song and then he raps and i still remember my eyes was just glued to the tv, haha, abit exagerating but it just happened and he is so yandao inside the mtv. me... i kept telling Land almost everyday about his things then she kept asking me to wake up then i will always answer her back one sentence, i said ever since i like him i have never waken up before...wahahaha... i know your also think like Land right? want to ask me wake up right? haha...DON'T WANT leh... =p
Oyasumi. i want to go dream of him liao...

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