Saturday, May 21, 2005

Can't get him out of my mind...

I'm working Taka from today onwards... got sales going on so kena attached there, always so sway to get attached to these type of sales one leh... so damn tired, work full shift today, going to end on 1st still so long xia... anyway.. actually what i want to say is today though work full shift very tired but there's someone kept appearing in my mind... Hahaha...i guess somebody already know the answer...YEAH...thats ERIC MUN... i just can't get him out of my mind leh... why huh??? oh gosh... the feeling is so damn strange leh... anyone to help cure me?? I'm so helpless & hopeless xia... haha... i find that he really like to wear cross necklace leh...he is christian and he got alot of cross necklace xia...

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