Thursday, March 31, 2005

Happy & Sad Day again...

Dear All

Today is a happy & sad day again...

Well...lets start with happy things first. today i went to meet 2 groups of friend. I first met Janice & Xuan (very long never meet them liao) We met in the late afternoon to have our dinner @ kfc. After that we went shop around @ Toa Payoh, Xuan bought the Lovers in Paris vcd le...haha...i told her i don't want to lend her the vcd coz my BAO BEI leh... pissed off by me...keke... then after that in the evening i met up with Serene, Sheena, Siyun & Irene...we also ages never met up leh...then you know what...Serene say meet 8pm @ Clarke Quay mrt station so after i part off with Janice & Xuan i go take mrt to Dobhy Ghaut change to north east line lor...then i reach Dobhy Ghaut liao, NaNa call me say Serene will be late, will meet us @ 9pm, then she @ Siyun home @ Lakeview leh...WAH PIANG... then i already going take north east line liao then call me...but NaNa say she also duno i got go & she dun have my hp no. until Serene give her... I nealy fainted xia...then ask me to wait for her & Siyun at PS so fine i went Delifrance to sit lor... Wah Piang i was carring a book & 4 sets of vcds leh..u know how heavy?? my hand nearly drop xia... haha... then half an hr then they reach PS so we went Long John Silver makan, coz they haven makan, then after that we took cab to News Room Bar...then i knew i came to this bar b4 coz that time my friend Zhi got showcase tics to A-Do mini concert and its held @ that bar lor.. in the end turn up so boring inside, juz take photo & drink only... then we left ard 11+ so damn xian xia.... Siyun go off first lor...coz she take train so damn far leh... then after that Irene, NaNa & Serene took cab together i took alone lor... reach home hungry already so went to buy noodles home to eat..then Serene called to chech if i reach home not...she say so damn xian xia today... haha... AH.. the guy who serve us drinks quite yandao leh...haha..NaNa & Irene tok photo wif tat guy...I also WANT... but so damn paisei xia...haha.. and NaNa & Irene even took photo together when they kisiing...YEAH... they both mouth to mouth leh...haha...nearly fainted.. only take photo very fun other then tat we juz tok abit then listen to music..overall abit xian but its good to see old friends lor... Sad part liao... my Thyroid result is out and its Positive...i cried few times today...totally spoil my outing mood xia..cried in the bus too, lucky not much people, i was seating at the end of the bus. told this news to my mum, my friends & colleagues...all kept saying will be fine want lor... but I'm still so damn sad lor...Lin check up on the net more abt the illness then she say got to control my diet lor...certain things cannot eat liao. My this buddy always so sweet leh.. THANKS LIN. luv u. tomorrow i will go see doc & see what will it be lor.. hopefully not that serious lor..
another thing is today Landy told me she will be going interview on Mon as Event Planner, so Sad everybody starts to plan to leave liao.. then while i was at the bar, my sayang Siti msg me this - "Suddenly I feel empty knowing that all of us will be going our separate ways. Sad to say good bye to stranger who becomes my buddies. Its not easy to find good colleagues like all of us. PEACE". she sent to not only me lor.. at that point my heart pain after seeing her msg, i agree with her lor.. its so hard to find colleagues like them who is so fun loving lor... haiz..want to cry again... then Landy also msg me saying - "Working in this company sucks, but to be able to know u & sayang, I've no regrets". WAH PIANG i think they want me to cry untill very cham leh... today is already a very sad day for me when i know my results then they still msg me this thing... wah lau.. think our last day, my co will flood xia... flooding with our tears...It's really fate that brought us to colleagues lor, and i know i will miss them ALOT & ALOT lor...and i might not even find such good colleagues in my life liao lor... =.(

We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in we can take it, what we can do with it...and that is what really counts in the end.

When we recall the past, we usually find that it is the simplest things-not the great occasions-that in retrospect give off the greatest glow of happiness.

1 comment:

Shopaholic Lin said...

Sotong, dun worri can...i read up le...think ur sickness not a big problem if u control ur diet lo...
Nth would happen to u de...we will survive till we met our better half and hold their hand till the end! Stay healthy k!!!