haven blogged for 2 months liao...
hehe... being lazy & busy lately...
so much has happened these 2 months...
some happy.. some unhappy...
but this is just part & parcel of life ya...
recently the busyness at work is not a joke... i wonder why everyday like so busy??? =(
oh ya, went to police station to make statement last wed, spent a freaking 3 hrs inside...
nearly fainted at there... lol
coz i was waiting to meet 1 of the officer, but she was engaged with the suspect at the moment, and i was made to wait outside the room, no aircon outside & the haze wasn't a joke, i felt so stuffy & uncomfortable during the 1 hr wait outside, feeling giddy & lucky i got called in before i really fainted... lol
well, the reason that i went to police st is bcoz we have someone bringing in fake headphones for exchange, got busted, and then the poor boy that kena bought the fake headphones online went to make a report, boss followed with the report & me being the one issuing the order got called in to make a statement.... the story of this case is long & complicated la... lazy to type... hehehe...
anyway it is still under investigation...
in desire for a break... sooooo tiring =(
went for a short R&R trip to BKK end of aug...
using the new rail link for the 1st time, easy & cheap (having promo during that time, now i duno hw much) =)
went for a full day tour... floating market, ride elephant, watch elephant & crocodile performance & rose garden (heritage tour)