Monday, April 19, 2010

finally after 8 mths, i'm going on a vacation... a birthday vacation.. never had a birthday vacation before... hehehe... and it's a dream vacation that i always wanted to visit...

*pray for a warmer weather*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

my undying love for cakey =)

had a nice evening with my pals yesterday... =)

it's tmr ya... wooohoooooo

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

today totally no appetite....
3 glass of milo & a bao for breakfast & lunch...
tat damn wind inside my stomach is totally affecting my appetite for few days already...
finally hungry when its about time to knock off... bought fishball soup for dinner...
totally needed something hot
pls get well by tmr... i've got lunch & dinner appointment...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

is everyone & everything okay?
have been so lazy & busy to blog recently... hehehe
feb & march just gone by like flash... woohoo.. it's apr

billy's wedding was much fun than i expected... hehehe...
my lil brother is a married man now... bt wait.. still so unmatured... haha... okay la, gt grow up abit liao la... lol


8 more days to escape to lala land...
hope my body is able to accept the cold weather... *prays*
spending my birthday in everland... nice =)

till my next post... take good care!!