Thursday, December 31, 2009

today is finally the last day of 2009
this yr has been not a very good yr for me, so i kept anticipating yr 2010 to arrive.
for all the unhappiness that happen in 2009, i must remind myself to forget and let go (though some might be hard, lol)
for all the happiness that happen in 2009, keep the precious memories and move on...
thanks for all the care & concern given to me this year and continue to shower yr care & concern for me in 2010 ya =)
my dear friends & family, i love u all *muacks*

twenty ten - u better be a good year...
1st resolution in 2010 - SLEEP MORE... lol

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2 more days to twenty ten...
finally its gona be sayonara 2009
annyong twenty ten =)
i got a feeling twenty ten is gona be a family year for me...
there will be lots happening to my family
uncle ben back in jan, billy's wedding in feb and some other stuffs...
be it good or bad, i just want my family safe, healthy and happy
not asking for too much right?
i hope my friends are safe, healthy & happy too...
hmm... thinking of which, xuan is coming back next yr too.. and mr mun is finally out from national service... yahooooo... i miss xuan and the moon... kekeke
so much to anticipate in 2010 ya...
hope it will be a good yr for me...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

very tired
think i'm sick =(

knock off at 2pm on xmas eve, nap at 4.30, a good 3 hrs of nap, thn slept at 1am again... freaky tired..duno why...
have been abit busy at work lately... still nothing interesting though... lol
6 more days to twenty ten... wohoooo...
can't wait to get over this shitty year

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

just watch finish this movie... nice... a diff kind of love story, hmm..or mayb more of a comedy..
love sandra bullock's movie...

Sunday, December 13, 2009


lucky with ibet, won $20 =)
注定是中 ibet 的命 =(
a change of holi destination... since my pal might nt hv enough leave for apr...
where shall i go then?? hmm.. by hook or by crook, i wana have a getaway during my bd... anwhere but SG...

spot this cute machine yest in SG pools, went up to have a close look..
scratch card in the machine... wahaha... so cute lor...
can't resist the temptation to buy one... hehe

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009

Thursday, December 03, 2009

after almost nearly 2 weeks, i finally had a good sleep last night...
nt sure if the milk i drank helps with my sleep...
bt i'm so exhausted now
2 weeks lack of sleep, kind of pulling down my body & mind nw...
going to the launch of heartbeats later
so tired neh...
hope the event won't drag till so late...