Sunday, September 28, 2008

finally the first F1 night race has end in Singapore.
it's kind of fun watching the race, though i dun understand
why the race need 61 laps to finish, it's like a total freaking 2hrs
why is there safety car, and then the drivers need to slow down,
why & how they have penalty
when does the pitstop lane open? so if the lane not open, will have penalty la.. i tink 1 of the drivers kena the 10 sec penalty if i'm not wrong?
all right... this is the 1st time i watch F1 ok... so pardon me for the foolishness
oh... some accident occured during the race was intense, esp Massa, from being the 1st drop to last after the pitstop accident, so shock xia...
well.. maybe some kind soul can reply me on my queries above.. hehe.. ok i agar agar know why gt safety car drive through liao, coz gt accident. haha... so many question mark after the race.. hehe

yest i was surfing forum thn i found a very familiar face and i can't help but wana post here...
janice... rem him?


look how he have grown up

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008






cake is sooo cute

Lin... he dun like u.. =P


Clara's bb 1 yr celebration held at her cousin's condo function room, her cousin bb also 1 yr.
Owen is so cool lor, don't want us to hug him, guess too many people liao so he nt used to it and maybe he just woke up from his nap not long, he hardly smile =( but he gt smile few times la, so cute...
after the party ended we went hougang mall meet up with suting... haha.. loads to catch up one lor...






Wednesday, September 17, 2008

just finished a korea movie online... it was very nice..
about a couple dating for years and so on..
some parts of the show made me think about how people would do all sorts of silly things when they are in love, of coz i did it too.. i'm sure everyone will do certain degree of silly things when they are in love... certain parts of the show really touched my heart... and of coz there will sure be taken for granted in almost every one's love, watching this show made me think of my past love...
AH... its been so long since i'm in love...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

went pray ancestors today, it's the mooncake festival...
after that went Bugis Guan Yin temple, our standard routine everytime we pray our ancestors... haha..
then went shop awhile before heading for dinner.. early dinner at 5+pm.. haha.. my treat today.. coz the last time we went pray ancestors, i tio beh pio so my turn to treat... it seems like a trend in our family, coz almost everytime we went pray, that week sure gt someone tio beh pio one... then tat person will treat on the next praying session... haha...
we went makan 鱼头炉 at bugis... yum yum... the soup damn shiok de lor... haha... 5 person $86, so broke now =(

yum yum...

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

1 more month and my darling is going to the army T___T
i hope his album will be out b4 he go to the army...


Saturday, September 06, 2008

AW... i wana see Hyun Bin...

went to perm my hair again today...

fourth korean lesson today... having fun learning words, haha...