Sunday, August 31, 2008

fri 29 Aug

left office at 4pm and head to Commex show, hehe.. my boss let me go earlier to go buy my things.. hehehe.. its so packed lor.. lucky i get to go earlier, if not after working time sure even more crowded

after ard 8 mths? I GOT MY MP4...
it comes with free adaptor, casing and another mp3(the one in red)
everything less than $200 =) i got it in a cheaper rate coz of my salesman.. hehe
anyway after comex show, went to meet janice for dinner, then at night my flu start to bug me... gosh... so irritating lor...
these 2 days i just sleep & sleep away...
still fluing... T__T

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Dearest (you know who u are)

Congratulation =)
I'm sure this would definately be better.. hehehe

Saturday, August 23, 2008

have been waking up very early these few days, 6+, haiz... duno why...
anyway today when i wake up i just hogged in front of my pc, then saw Land's email to me, oh my darling... i love you sooooo much...
thanks for brightening up my day =D Muacks...

korean language today is getting difficult =(

haiz... still find it so hard to accept Lee Eon's death
i was glad Gong Yoo was able to get out of military service to send his pal the last journey


一秒钟 一分钟 一小时
一天 一月 一年
我想, 我们都曾经...

渴望 那一秒钟 能永远定格
希望 那一分钟 会尽快结束
祈祷 那一天 赶快来到
但愿 那一年 不曾走过...

遗憾 某些人的过去 我们未能参与
奢望 将踏入的未来 能相伴随行

每一段的日子 肯定有苦有甜蜜
走过了 就会在心里留下足迹

还是借着天天踩着的步伐 想压深的记忆

Thursday, August 21, 2008

RIP Lee Eon



in case you are wondering who is he? he is one of the prince in coffe prince drama, the guy that loves the female lead actress sister.
He passed away this morning after attending a post-filming party for Strongest Chil Woo. The motorcycle he was riding apparently rammed into a guardrail of the overpass in Hannam-dong and was reportedly to have been killed instantly by the impact of the crash.

He was so cute in coffee prince T__T

i think my darling Eric would be very sad, coz their friendship develop while filming Strongest Chil Woo, so sad, their friendship is so short.
He rushed to the hospital after receiving the news, hope he will be strong.


Monday, August 18, 2008

I WON...
hahaha... i won sat 4D, kekeke... just enough to cover back my korean course & sat spending
still can't believe that i won lor until i went to collect my $ this morning.. hehe
i didn't see the result till sun evening lor, then i was like so shock..
well... another happy piece of news today in office... hehe..
GOOD MOOD today =)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

16 Aug Sat

Today is the 1st lesson of Korean class, oh... its so hard leh just to memorise the korean character...
class size is around 30, is considered full class liao.. mostly female though i spot 2 males in our class, our teacher is a korean, seems like around thirties? hm.. her english quite poor lor... hehe..
10 Vowels we learnt today
so freaking blur lor when teacher ask us to close the book & say out, can't memorise at all on the spot... haha.. duno isit too long never study liao, mind totally not working... hahaha
but then though its hard, it's still quite interesting =D

폴린 pauline in korean, we ask teacher write for us =)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sun 10 Aug

hm... seems like very long nvr blog except put some photos on blog.
have been quite busy recently.. hehe.. busy travelling...
this year i have been to Bangkok, KL biz trip, HK and JB recently i love to travel.. hehe..
kind of tiring though coz in between is like 1 or 2 weeks then off to another place, totally shag, and next sat school start... hehe.. i took up korean language with Janice, its gona take up 10 sat of mine, have been pretty busy on almost every sat recently, yest finally got to be at home, and i slept & slept, soooo shiooooooook de lor

how is my dear friends getting on in life? take good care oh...

for me this year seems to pass by so fast and now its Aug and this year my resolution is kind of complete =) so happy

ps: Dear Land, u still staying henderson? i've mailed you something leh.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Glenn busy doing house chores

trouble maker Gisele



me with Brats


Glenn with my new bag

this is where we stayed in JB, lily's friend house



the room i slept in.. quite cosy...

Friday, August 01, 2008

will be going JB on fri night, staying @ lily's friend house, back on sun...
more shopping again.. hehe..