Saturday, July 28, 2007

had a nice nap just now with the perfect weather, i slept 3.5 hrs... haha, normally my nap is 3 hrs lah.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

9 June 2007 Sat - Sunny

Venue: Sentosa

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Taking the train from Vivo

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Fish Therapy

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Getting our feet clean

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Ok... we went to the fish therapy twice that day...'s just so fun but Ting left after the 1st fish therapy session... so only left the 3 of us...

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Weehee... HAPPY!~~~
Finally had my ram upgrade to 1gb... fast... coz previously is just 256, slow like tortise de lor...haha... and its cheap lor, 68 nia... lobang lah... thanks Bud...Muacks..
I'm a happy woman~~~

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

J u z c a n ' t h e l p m y s e l f

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F a l l i n g i n l o v e w i t h h i m

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Any idea who is tat above? The female lead actress of Gong aka Princess Hour. Her new image for new show, so daring hor cut her hair till so short... the new show story line seems abit like Ella's show - Hanazakarino Kimitachihe, waiting for this show~~~

Thursday, July 12, 2007

13 was such a letdown... luckily i didn't watch it on a weekend, if not waste my bloody $ lor...
i feel my bone is going to crack any moment...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just had a heavy lunch, Sarawak Noodles + traditional ice-cream... woohoo...sinful xia... keke so very hard to slim down at workplace... haiz... =(
Catching 13 game of death later, 7.20 @ Amk. Seem like so long never watch horror flick liao...duno nice or not.
I'm sleepy now... haiz... everyday i also complain tired & sleepy wan, my readers sure will discover that almost every entry i would complain i'm tired... hehe..tats me...
Stupid hp, i can't upload my photo to my pc.... ARGH... everytime wana upload sure kena restart my com... now i dun take photo from my phone liao...i wana change hp...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

This week i'm such a pig...keke..just so tired everyday and will definately sleep while watching tv...

Oh i catch Transformers on thur, nice show...hehe.. went to watch at AMK Hub, the ticketing line was hell... duno izit coz new cinema, the whole Transformer thing or the line is for both ticket & many people... but the cinema was great..

Yest shopping trip to Vivo was so irritating... i saw a short, see the price $24.90 on sales, tried it & it fit.. & i like it, went to cashier it turn out 39.90, ask the cashier & she say they put the wrong price tag... so angry... turn & tell Lin, she said then don't buy lor... so we walk out w/o anything... tried a pant in Mng, also cannot make it..haiz... wanted to buy a ring, turn out last the end really fed up, i just dun wana buy anything liao...went to this cafe, the pasta & mango smoothie also cannot make it...haiz... bloody day... & i really hate to go shop at Vivo...dun ask me why... >_________<


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Rec'd a msg this afternoon by Julie (ex-colleague frm DBS), sending regards & asking me to movie next week, they wanted to catch Transformers but i'm watching it this week. Seems like there's major changes in the dept, alot transfering out coz of the relocation...

I can't wait for my darling Sungie's 2nd album to be out
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Aww... I miss him~~

Sunday, July 01, 2007

I haven been really updating my blog recently... ever since start new work, i'm struggling to whether want to continue this job or not... but now i'm quite ok already.

It's been so long since i take these photo-sticker le... i felt so old inside...hahaha

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